Lindsey Graham’s amnesty for illegal immigrants won’t win Trump the Latino vote – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham’s amnesty for illegal immigrants won’t win Trump the Latino vote

The B*tch is back.

WaEx: Late last week, President Trump met with a gaggle of senators to discuss DACA and the future of nearly 1.8 million illegal aliens living with protections granted to them by President Barack Obama’s executive order. Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, has been pushing Trump to offer amnesty as both a solution to the immigration problem and a path to reelection victory. This would be part of Graham’s legacy that the aging senator has been trying to accomplish for more than a decade.

For years now, Graham has been working with Democrats such as Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin to create an amnesty proposal for millions of illegal aliens. Some in the administration who are close to the president are supportive of Graham’s plan. Despite Trump’s call to end DACA throughout his 2016 campaign, many in his White House believe offering a path to citizenship could help the president in 2020.

The idea that amnesty for illegal aliens will benefit Republicans at the ballot box has been wrong for years. When President Ronald Reagan signed the 1986 amnesty, the next GOP nominee, George H.W. Bush, received just 30% of the Hispanic vote in 1988. Bush later offered his own amnesty, expanded legal immigration, and created the diversity visa lottery — yet he won only 25% of the Latino vote in 1992. Pro-amnesty senators who later became Republican presidential nominees, Bob Dole and John McCain, received 21% and 31% of the Hispanic vote. read more

25 Comments on Lindsey Graham’s amnesty for illegal immigrants won’t win Trump the Latino vote

  1. The rat-people are exempt from taxes (at least formally) as long as they remain illegal.
    Amnesty would place them in the other line – the line that has to pay for the parasitic rat-people who don’t have “amnesty” but are still getting free-shit out the ass.
    Amnesty is a bad idea. Gaining citizenship without making any effort (or even learning the language) cheapens the process and belittles all who came before.
    We should be looking into a way to grant them amnesty within their own countries, tax the fuck out of them, and still forbid their immigration – pretty sure a clever lawyer could craft some kind of law. Can’t we just levy taxes on the rest of the world? Sort of like what Memphis TN tried to do to the surrounding counties? That’s what they do to us through the UN, isn’t it?
    Fuck em! Turnabout’s fair play.
    Like, for the ragheads, make each of em pay 5 cents every time they pray. They pray 5 times a day and there are a Billion of em – so that’s like – uhh, y’know – a quarter $Billion a day? Serious chunk of change. Better than the Green New Deal since it brings IN money instead of wasting it on stupid bullshit.

    Just a thought.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Trump made a decent offer – and yes it was a partial concession – in 2017. DACA-qualified people could have a path to citizenship – if they took all the right steps and didn’t break additional laws. And that was in exchange for closing some massive loopholes. So we keep the best of those who may have been dragged here by their parents but we fix the problem going forward. Giving away free citizenships won’t get votes, but a negotiation that gives you better prospects going forward may.

  3. The Bitch is back? Hardly, from amnesty for all, voting to continually expand the Patriot Act for more surveillance and teaming up with Dick “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal for BS gun confiscation laws this puke never faded for a second. I still laugh every time I hear some cuckservative giddily exclaim how 2.Zero has “found his voice” since McCain thankfully assumed room temperature. Graham has been a tremendous asset to the left for nearly 2 decades.

  4. And the Chamber of Commerce still has their dancing puppet from SC. For all the continual mewling about holding his fellow swamp rats accountable, this useless SOB has done nothing but spew BS.

  5. No surprise he wants amnesty. Lindsey has a tough Democrat challenger this year.

    If you want Trump’s endorsement, Lindsey, you’ll STFU about amnesty and go after the Deep State hammer and tong.

  6. last week, President Trump met with a gaggle of senators to discuss DACA and the future of nearly 1.8 million illegal aliens living with protections granted to them by President Barack Obama’s executive order

    Ha ha! Silly Washington Examiner editors! President Trump canceled that! His first week in office! You so stoopid!


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