Ohio circuit court hears arguments on Down syndrome abortion ban – IOTW Report

Ohio circuit court hears arguments on Down syndrome abortion ban

Doctors will be charged with felony for terminating the pregnancies of unborn-child diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Just The News: A federal appeals court in Ohio is hearing arguments about the constitutionality of a state law that charges a doctor with a felony for perform an abortion specifically targeted at preventing the birth of a baby with Down syndrome.

Fifteen judges on the conservative-lean court on Wednesday heard arguments from lawyers on both sides of the law, which could go to the Supreme Court.

The law, “Ohio Down syndrome Non-Discrimination Act,” has been on hold since it was enacted, and a federal judge and three-judge panel previously ruled that the law is likely unconstitutional.

The ACLU of Ohio argues the law is unconstitutional and attempts to take “the ultimate decision” on abortion away from the woman.

Attorneys arguing for the government contend that the law is constitutional and leaves a woman’s right to choose intact, given that it “does not prohibit any abortions at all.” read more

11 Comments on Ohio circuit court hears arguments on Down syndrome abortion ban

  1. We should require all potential political office holders to have Downs. They might not accomplish all that much, but there is going to be a lot of hugs.

    And today, I can’t see a damn thing wrong with that.

  2. …my great nephew with Downs is one of the sweetest, most active kids you’d ever meet, and even though he has the genetic markers, he’s missed none of his development milestones and enjoys life as much as ANY kid, and has at LEAST as much right to it as Nancy Pelosi does.

    Damned be the man, or the woman, that would deny it to him.

  3. All babies are human beings and all should be saved. On the other hand, too many politicians have a hard time being human. Imagine if we voted to abort politicians.

  4. This law is offensive. “Confused” nailed it: why is it ok to murder healthy babies and not Down’s babies?

    Call me a bigot but this is the conservative right using the same disgusting identity victimhood politics that the left is using to make special rights.

  5. @Tony R March 12, 2020 at 6:59 pm
    @Confused March 12, 2020 at 7:33 pm
    @janitor March 12, 2020 at 9:14 pm

    The thin edge of the wedge. (That “doesn’t exist”.)

    The top of the slippery slope. (That “doesn’t exist”.)

    It would be better (for everyone) to get this damn lie over with. Sooner, rather than later. But as long as “patriots” defend Muh Constitusion, take whatever good marks time.

  6. They have an extra Chromosome. They are more, not less.
    That Chromosome is in charge of Sweetness, Kindness, Love for all, and an ebullient joy that cannot be dimmed.


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