Dr. Drew Pinsky: Threat Of Coronavirus “An Overblown Press-Created Hysteria” – IOTW Report

Dr. Drew Pinsky: Threat Of Coronavirus “An Overblown Press-Created Hysteria”

h/t Cakes.

30 Comments on Dr. Drew Pinsky: Threat Of Coronavirus “An Overblown Press-Created Hysteria”

  1. Is strange how how Russia Collusion crashes and burns, and almost immediately, Ukrainian Impeachment rises from the ashes. And as that is proceeding toward the foregone conclusion of acquittal, Corona is bubbling unnoticed in China. But maybe not bubbling fast enough, so they have to hit the brakes to get the timing right, and make sure the virus gets a solid foothold here. Is that why Pelosi dragged her feet delivering the case to the Senate?

    Go ahead, call me Alex Jones. But after all we’ve been through with Trump, is it really such a stretch that they’d be so goddam conniving and evil?

  2. The question I have about the virus is why all the deliberately promoted fear stuff?

    And why are so many people so willing to accept this push from the Media?

    Something is going on here that has no relation to the virus at all and every relation to some kind of agenda or agendas aimed at finding out what people are willing to accept. Forced vaccinations? Cashless financial system to make everything traceable (cash could transmit diseases, ya know)? and have everybody numbered in the process? Control of public assembly and thereby control of speech and ideas? and on and on and on.

    Maybe a full press to do something now or maybe a manipulative maneuver to gain something else both now and in the future. Read The Art of War and apply it to the controlling factions in the world today vying for total control of the people and see if that makes it make more sense than just some natural reaction to what seems a fairly moderate virus.

    I don’t think public protection from some flu like virus is the real objective, just one the majority of people will accept out of fear.

  3. @ThirdTwin Yep. Well said.

    Mr. Illustr8r went out for groceries (actual food, not just bottled water and TP). We were well stocked with TP and sanitizer before this started but he went to look anyway. Empty shelves. No TP. No Lysol or hand sanitizers. If they had it in stock you could only buy two.

  4. This is so ridiculously out of hand that because a returning traveler inadvertantly spread the virus to 5 or 6 other senior citizens, all within the confines of a single nursing home, 3 counties away….
    They have closed Orange Co Schools until April 6th at least!!!\\

    So, following the lead of Duke Communiversity, the local school boards have decided to do their part for Team StopTrump!

  5. Just for your info:

    News Fake news CP24 in T.O. says China is claiming that the US Army released the virus in China.

    Talk about an irresponsible propaganda machine. The fake news is actually printing this unverified horse shit on screen.

    The Chinese are totally panicking and grasping at straws to avoid responsibility.

    Regardless, I have plenty of Irish whisky (St, Pats.), bud, becks, heineken, scotch, champagne, arrows, Buckshot, salami, beans, tuna, pasta, Oatmeal, cerael, coffee and tea.

    Tomorrow I am taking the day off to watch Blue rays.

    I would invite all of you over but Canada only lets illegals in now.

  6. How can this “doctor” say the coronavirus thing is overblown when there are dozens of brain dead reporters and talking heads ginning up a crisis? Remember that Rudy Gobert collapsed in the locker room and almost died from his seizures as a result of having the coronavirus? Oh, wait – Gobert was actually considering playing in the game, and the referee who was exposed previously was planning to officiate. Well, Tom Hanks and his wife exploded into bloody messes as a result of the coronavirus. His son said they were both fine? No masses of coronavirus infected zombies attacking people in shopping malls? No hauling bodies out of hospitals via bulldozer?

    More people are shot to death in our major cities on a normal weekend than die from the coronavirus. The regular flu kills thousands of people every year. Traffic fatalities and drug overdoses cause many times more deaths than the coronavirus. The liberals don’t worry about illegal immigrants bringing in diseases like tuberculosis that we believed had been eradicated from this country decades ago. If I lived in San Francisco, I would worry more about the shit on the streets and the used needles lying around than the coronavirus. And we made it legal to kill unborn babies by the millions.

    So yes, take the coronavirus seriously – particularly if you or your loved ones are high risk. But there are plenty of other things out there that will kill you – except the politicians don’t give a damn about any of these.

  7. @ Thirdtwin….The tale will tell itself if the virus peaks in the next 2 to 3 months and it ain’t all that bad. Then it’s gone by November 4th….Yeah, I see Alex Jones in my bathroom mirror every morning and I know I’m much better looking lol….



  9. That’s not a little more than a female reporter was a graduate of Beach school.
    She was beaching all over the place.. VP Pance was not slow to act, AIDS was initally homo’s or IV drug users. A small percentage of the population.

  10. Racist, here in GA, they’ve shut down the entire state university system indefinitely. My son is out of school now. His sister is at a private university, and they are still rocking along as usual. My younger son is in the Fulton County school system, and they shut down indefinitely today. All because two teachers at two different elementary schools tested positive. We are seeing a collective government effort to push the Pandademic narrative, and we are being punished once again for electing Trump. Evil is afoot here.

  11. Swine Flu vs Wuhan virus

    From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.Jun 11, 2019

    COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*
    Total cases: 1,215
    Total deaths: 36
    Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia

  12. Former obama chief of staff rahm emmanuel: “never let a crisis go to waste.”

    Terrorists, the chicomm nor the russians have anyhing near the destructive power against our country than the scum of the swamp/left/islamic axis here in America. They’re gunning for us, literally.

  13. Doctor after doctor keeps saying this, heck even our local doctors keep saying it even when the local media wants them to say we’re all going to die.

    There is something else going on here and it’s not just an election year in this country, it’s something much bigger, just not sure what it is. Make no doubt though the globalists have a reason for this mass hysteria.

    Just try though to talk the crazies down off the roof, they are going to jump. It’s almost like they enjoy being freaked the hell out.

  14. The press is trying to take away the stock market success to help remove Donald Trump!

    Is San Fran doing anything to stop street shitting, TB, cholera, etc. ?

    Is the press even mentioning that now would be a good time to improve sanitary conditions in tent cities and heroine shooting galleries?

  15. Question, for anyone who knows.
    This is the data we have for H1N1: Around 60 million cases, about 12,000 deaths or 0.02%. For Wuhan there are something over 100,000 cases at the moment but the mortality rate is likely around 1%, far, far higher than H1N1. Are there others that compare? Then there are other cases like Ebola, with extremely high mortality rates but which are far less transmittable. I don’t know how transmission rate can be measured, or how Wuhan compares to H1N1.
    My point is that while I do think this one is being overdramatized for a variety of reasons, perhaps there is some validity as to the potential for global mayhem where H1N1 was never going to damage populations.
    As far as the handling in USA, it hasn’t been perfect but our numbers are far, far lower than in Europe and I expect they will remain that way.

  16. I don’t think the Dems started this thing, but they are not going to waste a moment using it to tip the country over if they think it will help them no matter who gets run over.
    The wife works at Costco and the lines for check out went all the way to the back of the store then turned and went alone the back for a ways. Good lord what’s wrong with people? Baskets full of stuff left all over the place because people gave up!
    Crazy is not done with us, the heck with the virus.

  17. @Illustr8r

    I went to my local grocery store, Costco, and Target.
    No toilet paper to be found.

    …thankfully I have an unopened package of some in my storage closet but so much for stocking up a little..
    And one of my brothers is going to stay with us because of the college closeout. :l

  18. I went to Sam’s yesterday and the parking lot was full front to back. The media is irresponsible. All because they took Rahm Emmanuel serious when he said never let a crisis go to waste and they hate Trump and anyone not onboard the lefty Borg train.

  19. People around here had their carts filled with stuff like milk?!? Milk is perishable! What are they going to do? Freeze it? The most disappointing thing is to see how many stupid people surround me. I am impotently furious right now!!

  20. My parents and grandparents went thru far worse times than this and they didn’t panic. They raised 5 kids during the Depression in the 1930’s and had 3 of their 4 sons serve in World War 2, they all survived. My generation had Vietnam and the late 60’and 70’s where all the cultural norms were destroyed and somehow we survived that. This is a panic over nothing, I have never seen so many Chicken Littles believing all the democraps and medias lies about how bad this virus is supposed to be, that the sky is falling and globull warming will kill us all in 12 years etc. I for one am not happy with what’s going on with the overblown reaction to this supposed crisis especially the cancelation of all major sporting events including the NCAA basketball tournaments for both men and women and baseball suspending at least the first 2 weeks of the baseball season. I also believe that the democraps and their media sycophants are trying to use this as a means to destroy President Trump before the election in November. But I also believe that it’s falling on a lot of deaf ears as well and will backfire on them because for the most part we the deplorables and good American people don’t believe all their lies and BS anymore. They’ve cried Wolf far too often. I am optimistic that this too shall pass as with all the other lies and hoaxes that the left has tried to convince us of in my lifetime.

  21. If ever there was a reason for having the right to bear arms this is it. The veneer of civilization is but a milometer thick someone once said. Break through that veneer and the primal instincts to survive will take over. Look at the mobs panicking to buy items they should have at home anyway. What happens when these mods become desperate? There are about one million law enforcement officers in the U S. One for every 330 citizens. I’m not counting on being protected by them.
    The government that can’t protect us from telemarketers is now telling us how they are going to save us from a virus. Create a problem to create a solution. Look at how easy it is for government to control the population, all for the “greater good”. Without firing a shot, although I don’t doubt they would if we resist, the government has us hiding in our homes and staying home from work and school.
    It’s not crazy or that much of a stretch to envision the transport trains to the “FEMA camps”, for our own good.


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