“Please Don’t Panic!” – IOTW Report

“Please Don’t Panic!”

I have to say, that after being a doctor for 31 years, I’m not sure that I’ve seen anything quite like this level of abject panic regarding a respiratory virus in my career. While this is a bad bug that can overwhelm health systems and should be taken seriously, the misinformation is spinning out of control. Again, if you focus on the actual hard data, it paints a different picture.
– Chris Centeno, MD

Dan Bongino interviews Dr. Chris Centeno about Coronavirus facts versus fiction:

Coronavirus Facts vs. Fiction Interview with Dr. Centeno

Snip: Below are the articles discussed in the interview:

Why I’m not worrying about the Coronavirus and will enjoy all the empty planes…

You can’t turn on a computer screen, a TV, or look at a phone without dozens of new stories about how the deadly Coronavirus is lurking like a silent killer waiting to end millions of lives. You hear terms like “pandemic”, ICU”, and “Emergency Funding”. The shelves at COSTCO are bare. Any sane person would be scared and freaked out at this point. However, I’m neither. Why? Because if you look at the actual science emerging and read through the media hype machine designed to whip up a frenzy, what you see is VERY different than a deadly pandemic killing spree, you see something much less lethal and more like a nasty flu bug. Let’s dig in.

Coronavirus Myths are spreading faster than the virus.

As a physician, I’ve posted on the coronavirus two times this past week to try to answer the bevy of patient and family questions I have received. My second post was shared very widely and generated lots of comments from many freaked out and frightened people. Hence, I’ve taken the biggest misconceptions I have seen in those comments and in the media and reviewed them with this post.

Please Don’t Panic!

I have to say, that after being a doctor for 31 years, I’m not sure that I’ve seen anything quite like this level of abject panic regarding a respiratory virus in my career. While this is a bad bug that can overwhelm health systems and should be taken seriously, the misinformation is spinning out of control. Again, if you focus on the actual hard data, it paints a different picture.

As of this morning, we have just over 4,000 deaths worldwide. Again, the average seasonal flu kills between 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year (15). The CDC just announced that the US had 20,000 flu deaths this season with 350,000 hospitalizations (16). Today, on average, 48,219 people will die of cardiac disease (17).

So why the abject panic? It’s being fueled by some in the media. As I’ll show below, when you have trusted names like Sanjay Gupta fanning the flames of fear rather than correctly interpreting data, you can see why people are so freaked. MORE

20 Comments on “Please Don’t Panic!”

  1. While I was talking to my daughter who lives in Nashville today on my cell phone we both said the whole coronavirus fiasco is a bit surreal and feels like a a lot like we’ve entered the Twilight Zone into the realm of uncertainty and not knowing what’s going on. I am not panicked but I just don’t know and that’s what scares me not knowing how long all these emergency restrictions are going to last. I am also doing my weekly grocery shopping tomorrow and will see if people around here are starting to hoard stuff or not., I don’t think they will but who knows.

  2. In Chicago where our water supply is the 1100 cubic miles of fresh water known as Lake Michigan, there are restrictions on buying more than a case of bottled water. I didn’t check the price but I would have charged an idiot tax for every bottle. (Our tap water is excellent.)


    ⚠️ 1. You BETTER not be shopping at un-unionized, Capitalistic Wal*Mart next to Sally McTrailerPark, the company and shoppers you despise and rail against until 2 A.M. every night.

    ⚠️ 2. You better not be hoarding supplies, and in fact redistributing them to people who have little or none.

    ⚠️ 3. You better be at least be partly blaming Biden / Obama, who had 8 years, and practice with the Swine Flu to get this right. And where is king healthcare expert, Barack Obama during all this? –hiding out around open flames like the pope did during the Bubonic Plague?

    ⚠️ 4. Joe Biden, who was Vice President for 8 years, and has been in Congress since Lincoln, AND has a democrat-controlled House, OUGHT to be in Washington getting all his Corona-solutions to come to fruition in an election year! Why is he not there taking charge and getting things done?

    When crisis strikes, the U.S.S. Socialism takes on water, the liberals jump ship faster than the rats!

  4. Don’t panic – but stay observant and analytical.

    Two things I’m watching while ignoring most everything else except my own (and extended family’s) health:

    (1) The death rate from CoVid-19, especially in my state, county, city.

    (2) Signs that your local hospitals are under severe stress from treating their caseloads.

    South Korea’s and Japan’s new cases and deaths are slowing a bit, perhaps indicating they COULD get control of the outbreak relatively soon. (?)

    Personally, I still think it’s possible that this bug will top out and begin to taper off in April or early May. At that point, we REALLY need to be told the full nature of this virus and what to expect in the future.

  5. The media sells fear hoping it hurts Trump.

    Odds are that there are some economic terrorists behind this and short selling the market to try and collapse our economy just like the terrorists did on 9/11. The media and these people are likely working together whether the know nothing talking heads are aware of it or not. They are just glad to participate.

    If people learn anything from this, it should be that the Chicoms are our enemy in an undeclared war. Collapse their economy and let a billion people with butcher knives cutoff the heads of their leadership. They are evil incarnate masquerading as order.

  6. Cliche Guevara “If people learn anything from this, it should be that the Chicoms are our enemy in an undeclared war.”

    And that the media is aiding that enemy. Never forget.

  7. I’ve been watching this unfold from the around Jan. 10. and have a Slack page devoted to linking world-wide reports as it has unfolded. From the for-what-it’s worth department, here’s what I think:

    (1) China developed and released the virus probably by accident.

    (2) The original virus is from the United States but was modified by genes from other viruses by Chinese and foreign scientists, in China.

    (3) China knows the United States knows this.

    (4) China’s leaders can’t admit they developed this bioweapon and somehow it got released.

    (5) So, they’re going to play “You did it!” for political gain during our election year and to try to save ‘world face.’ They’ve been very actively trolling websites worldwide trying to steer people’s cynical opinion of the U.S.

    (6) The American Left – and our Media – are catching on to the big game now and will use it to try and destroy our President.

    (7) Trump needs to slam dunk this shitpickle down all the guilty party’s throats. And once again, just like everything else in his presidency, it’s all about the timing for that.

    (8) The virus outbreak and dealing with economic and banking crises come first before #7 above.

  8. Still not sure what the panicking people are doing. Hoarding toilet paper and water? Is Papier-mâché believed to be the cure for this illness?
    The media acts like testing accomplishes something. I have had flu countless times during my lifetime and I never cared to find out which strain it was. The treatment for both Corona and the flu is the same. Why all the fuss about testing?

  9. Yeah… the “dictator” that didn’t do enough!
    Ya just can’t win with that crowd mob!
    The democRATz are all over this like fleas on a dog with their green-eyed jealosy and giddy anticipation of destroying a good man who has done so much for the country and in the process are tearing down people’s IRAs! They don’t care. They’re positively orgasmic at the thought of more dependency!!

  10. Everyone who has, or knows somebody who has the Carona virus raise you hand now. Yeah, that’s what I thought. Take 90% of your Charmin stash back to the store and grow up ffs.

  11. I bought my parents a bidet add-on for a commode a few months ago. I think I’ve said before what a braindead Democrat my father is.

    After I had to explain what it was, he looked at me like I was gay.

    I’m not fishing for any incestuous compliments here but, in retrospect, how does my gay ass look now?

  12. Every once in a while governments need to test how effective their propaganda is on the “little people”, and how ready they are to allow government to take complete control over their lives.
    This has been a test.

  13. He who panics first, panics best.

    It’s a shame that so much lying out of our media has caused us to doubt every damn thing they say. And selectively believe whatever we prefer.

    Now that it’s almost too late to get respiratory protection don’t forget to wash your doorknobs every day.

    (ebay still has ‘3m series 6000’ reusable dust masks, 6100 is a small… ), The prices are even close to normal, I paid double for mine a couple weeks ago. I think they are not selling because the filters are usually p100, not the usual n95 mentioned in the news. p means ‘reusable till you can’t breathe thru it / n means not’, 100 means ‘near 100% effective, unlike the n95 @ 95% ‘. Walk slow or run out of breath.

    Good for infrequent store trips. Mostly I’m just staying home, and buying groceries from walmart pickup


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