3 reasons Joe Biden will never be president – IOTW Report

3 reasons Joe Biden will never be president

by Byron York| Wa Ex:

Joe Biden was sworn into the U.S. Senate on Jan. 3, 1973. He remained in the Senate until Jan. 15, 2009 — a span of 36 years. If history is any guide, that alone is a disqualifier in Biden’s quest for the White House.

What does 36 years in the Senate say about a politician? It says he is a senator — not a president.

So the first reason Biden will not become president is that no one who served 36 years in the Senate has ever become president. No one who served 30 years in the Senate has ever become president. No one who served 25 years in the Senate has ever become president. No one who served 20 years in the Senate has ever become president. No one who served 15 years in the Senate has ever become president.

It’s not for lack of trying. Bob Dole, who was sworn into the Senate on Jan. 3, 1969, ran for president 27 years later, in 1996. He quit the Senate during the campaign to show his determination to become president. But his long years in the Senate, plus his age — he was 73 at the time and the subject of endless suggestions that he was too old to be president — were a deal-killer for voters.

Others tried, too. In 2008, John McCain ran for president after 21 years in the Senate. It didn’t work. In 2004, John Kerry ran for president after 19 years in the Senate. That didn’t work, either. more

Earl of Taint

14 Comments on 3 reasons Joe Biden will never be president

  1. It doesn’t help that he was the most corrupt Vice president in the most corrupt presidency in history. His son, Hunter, the crackhead, parlayed his political influence to bag a no show job earning more in a year than most of us earn in a lifetime. Millions of dollars for a no show job because….daddy… who got the Ukranian prosecutor fired.

    The stench on these crooked bastards is….
    But you already know this stuff. Because the networks already told you the gory details about democrat corruption.

  2. We all need to remember that it’s not Biden’s years in the United States Senate that count, it’s the last year that counts. Take that! You lying Pony Shouldered Dog Wagging M14 Owning Trump Supporting Sons of of of ….

    This will be continued as soon as we have calmed down the next President of the Happy Day Assisted Memory Care Facility.

  3. Only three?

    There has to be at least 15.

    OK, lets see.

    He’s an old coot
    His brain doesn’t work
    He sniffs innocent little girls
    He smells bad
    He’s a phony
    He’s a Russian spy
    He’s probably a secret homo
    He produced bad kids
    He’s slow
    He’s a dope
    Liberal’s think he’s swell
    He sucks
    He sniffs girl’s bicycle seats
    He brushes his teeth once a week
    He doesn’t use toilet paper and nobody likes him.


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