The Crudest Nudist Ain’t The Shrewdest – IOTW Report

The Crudest Nudist Ain’t The Shrewdest

LifeZette: A book written by a prize-winning former WAPO journalist back in 2014 is getting some renewed interest after it appears that Joe Biden will be the Democrat’s 2020 nominee.

In the book, a disturbing picture of Joe Biden emerges where he uses his power and influence to make women feel uncomfortable.

Sound familiar? We’ve all seen the countless videos of him pawing and smelling women. The book was written by Ron Kessler and is called “The First Family Detail.” read more

3 Comments on The Crudest Nudist Ain’t The Shrewdest

  1. “You’re full of $hit you horse’s a$$ of a dog faced pony soldier.” said Joe upon reading the dust cover and looking at the pictures.

    Joe Biden, Creep factor, 11.

  2. Keep in mind that Biden has an increasing chance of having the official title of President of the United States next year.

    Who the real President at that time will be I do not know, but it should become apparent as his term progresses.

    A Douglas Adams “President of the Galaxy” sort of thing.


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