VOX: White People Voted for Biden Because They’re Sexists – IOTW Report

VOX: White People Voted for Biden Because They’re Sexists

Yes, this election will be awesome.

Joe Biden outperformed Hillary Clinton in county after county in the Michigan Democratic primary on Tuesday, raising questions yet again about whether “electability” really is just about sexism.

Overall, Clinton lost by less than 2 percentage points in the state. Biden won by 16.

The difference in these outcomes was made all the more stark by the similarities between the candidates. New York Times columnist Charles Blow pointed out what many former Clinton fans were thinking: “Biden isn’t that much different from Hillary Clinton on the issues. Big difference: she was a woman and he isn’t.”

That’s the only difference I can think of between them. Chromosomes. When I look at them, I don’t see corrupt political hacks, I see chromosomes. more here

13 Comments on VOX: White People Voted for Biden Because They’re Sexists

  1. Did these people just assume everyone’s gender….. and then assume gender was the assumptive reason for assuming voting patterns?

    Wow….mind bending. I think I’ve discovered what it sounds like when doves cry.

  2. My FIL once refused to vote for a candidate because, as he said: “He doesn’t care about me.”
    I was thunderstruck – gobsmacked – astounded – this was a smart guy who had been a crew chief on Air Force 1 (by this time he was long retired and living in Florida – which may account for a lot) and the absolute imbecility of his “reasoning” was beyond my ken. He was sincere. He is dead now and probably still voting in Florida, but doesn’t have to come up with stupid reasons for his choices.
    There are some weird psychologies in the election process.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I was delivering a repaired snowblower to a gentleman a bit older than myself a fer weeks ago and he began talking politics. I normally just listen and keep my opinion to myself as I am a representative of the business I work for and don’t want to offend anyone and be detrimental to my employer. At one point the gentleman told me he always votes democrats because his father told him he should. He than asked me if I had any preferred party that I leaned towards. I replied that I tended to vote for whom I considered the best candidate and that my mother raised me to think for myself. Got in the truck and drove away with him standing in the driveway feeling stupid.😉

  4. Has it ever crossed their mind that Democrat voters just prefer corrupt hairy legged, hair sniffing old codger who belongs in the federal pen to a corrupt nasty old woman who belongs in the federal pen?

    There isn’t much to differentiate them other than that.

  5. Coronavirus may be God’s plan to clear the DNC’s slate of decrepit old caucasian candidates.

    And if Bernie and SloJoe succumb to Wuhan flu, will Hillary the Harridan dare God to demonstrate her mortality??

    This is delicious.


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