Some People Married Someone – IOTW Report

Some People Married Someone

Ilhan Omar’s Latest Corrupt Marriage. Campaign Cash Funneled to Her New Husband.

12 Comments on Some People Married Someone

  1. Where to begin as pertains to Omar’s grift? In her native Somali fashion, it’s a dog eat dog world and every man for himself. Or so she’d have us believe.

    Omar (or whatever her real name), had familial ties to Somali govt sanctioned terrorist factions. They gamed the refugee system and voila, she’s now empowered to remind America, often and loudly, that under our “oppressive colonialist racist” system, “people who look like her” must fight back to destroy the very same “oppressive system” that allowed her not only a seat at the table, but the bullhorn as well.

    Who among us believe a supposed FBI investigation will result in charges, much less expulsion from the US for immigration fraud?

    Nay, she and her tribes are safely ensconced, protected and rapidly producing generations of “oppressed peoples” in these racist United States of America, and they’re enabled by numerous rich, liberal, white apologists.

  2. Has nothing to do with race, sex, religion, or party – politicians have been doing slimy shit for generations – we allow it in the hope that they’ll leave us alone.
    We put up with a few dollars skimmed off the top because it doesn’t hurt us too terribly badly. After all, my share of every $Billion stolen is ~ $3 and I don’t want to lose an experienced Legislator over a measly 3 bucks, do I? Keep saying it and pretty soon you’re looking at real money.
    She’s simply engaging in an extant system. No innovation.
    The FBI is too busy falsifying evidence to support maggots like the Clintons and in persecuting President Trump to worry itself with corruption on an international scale. The DoJ’s too busy watching porn and massaging each others’ assholes to find time to protect and defend America from predatory politicians.
    We’ve seen it again with this Corona virus Legislation – so packed with pork it should carry the Smithfield (or Armour) label – greasing the skids of corruption – President Trump signed it because he sincerely believes the nation needs relief – even with $1.5 Billion or so stolen off the top.

    We are sheep being sheared. With BS we’ll be mutton.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Anonymous
    MARCH 15, 2020 AT 9:12 AM
    “Why are people allowed to get away with this kind of stuff, and even respected and revered for it?”

    …because, by Muslim thinking, she’s doing the will of Mohammad, and doing it very well..

    Never confuse Muslims with Somalis, Syrians, Iraquis, Pakis, or what have you. Muslims live by the concept of “Ummah”, or community of believers, that transcends nations, borders, tribes, secular laws, and even occasionally the Sunni/Shia rift.

    They work together to subjugate the entire world to Islam.

    As Mohammad commands.

    Islam is designed to do nothing but conquer. Islam does not tolerate other religions except for very special circumstances where they cam be contained, heavily taxed (Jizya), and ALWAYS humiliated and reminded they are subservient to Muslims. Islam’s holiest book allows for enslavement and rape of kufr (non-Muslims), which is practiced in Muslim lands to this day (#BringBackOurGirls proving it is sometimes so egregious that even Democrats have to admit it. They weren’t brought back, BTW, nor their slavers punished).

    Islam ALSO does not believe in elective office, because ot believes it’s caliphs are chosen only by a!!ah. If they DID take it seriously, they wouldn’t allow a mere WOMAN to hold one. No, Islam deliberately elects people to offices in kufr lands with the intention they use that office to WRECK it, to sow confusion and disunion so Shari’a can be advanced as quickly as possible, even where secular laws are still theoretically in force, until the host country is so weakened that Shari’a is the only EFFECTIVE law that remains.

    Her purpose is also to wave the green flag of Islam whenever possible, showing other m
    Muslims the path to victory, publically continuing to follow her customs even in violation of the laws she’s “sworn” to uphold, and deride any who object as “racist” or worse, even though Islam is…NOT…a “race”.

    Also, the “oath” means NOTHING to a Muslim, whether taken on a Koran or a Bible, for the same reasons you can’t believe ANYTHING a Muslim says, taqiyya and kitman. Simply put, deliberately giving false information (lying) or withholding key facts )like beheadings, stonings and slavery) about Islam is not only CELEBRATED, but REQUIRED. You ARE to lie about Islam to advance the CAUSE of Islam until it’s too late for the kufr to go back.

    …so, to answer your question, “Why are people allowed to get away with this kind of stuff, and even respected and revered for it?”, the answer, given these facts, is simple.

    She’s doing EXACTLY what her pedophile prophet commands.

    To the Ummah, that makes her a SAINT.


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