The Experts Weigh In – IOTW Report

The Experts Weigh In

Thank goodness for Brian Stelter and other know-nothings keeping us up to date with their hysterical thoughts.

10 Comments on The Experts Weigh In

  1. POTUS needs to better explain the closing of the Pandemic office and/or the firing of it’s Director. Today I read that John Bolton was responsible for that (does that disqualify him from testifying against Trump now?). The lefties are posting endlessly about that on Facebook and on my local FB groups (where there are out in the open Trumpsters). I’m seeing some Trump supporters waiving
    in their support because of that. Stupid or not, just reporting it.

    Well, a grocery store where we shop has an employee test positive for the Coronavirus. Fun times.

  2. Someone forgot to tell them that the only way to effectively keep the Wuhan Flu at bay is to put duct tape around the closed head bag — at the neck.

    Illustr8r — I would agree with your point about the pandemic office and so on, except that no matter what POTUS Trump says to them, I think they are simply hell bent on blaming him and that’s that. A waste of energy.

    Did everyone observe that it is a national day of prayer today? πŸ™‚

  3. 1 month ago the plastic straw was “Pubic” Enemy #1.

    Where oh Where will we put all the plastic shit that everyone is burning through now???

    A major coffee franchise was pushing re-using ceramic cups rather than paper for the environment and now they have “Halted” re-filling and are back to paper.

    Flip Flopping Idiots!

  4. The current (unjustified) panic over the virus is proof that the MSM has control of the public’s thinking through a strong fear campaign.

    People driven by fear do not think rationally and accept all sorts of things they would otherwise oppose, and the Media has now proven it can produce a fear driven public to achieve that purpose.

    Don’t expect them -the MSM- to relinquish this control now that they have found out how to keep it.

  5. Did you watch Dice long enough to hear Tulsi Gabbard?

    PUKE! After watching her, if any anti-Socialist was even slightly sympathetic to her campaign, hopefully now, they’re not.

    What waste of a nice face and voice to have such a misguided mind.

  6. Dateline July 1 2022.

    As UN inspectors observe 350 million North American corpses, one thing becomes undeniably obvious.
    It’s their asses.
    They are perfectly clean!
    Every one of them.


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