Biden and Sanders wag their crazy little fingers at each other during debate – IOTW Report

Biden and Sanders wag their crazy little fingers at each other during debate

Daily Caller:


“Gay marriage today is considered a little differently than it was 25 years ago,” Sanders said.

“I remember that bill,” he continued, referring to the Defense of Marriage Act. “It was a very hard vote. I voted against it. You voted for it.”

Sanders also pointed out that “I voted against the bankruptcy bill, you voted for it. I voted against the war in Iraq, which was also a tough vote. You voted for it. I voted against the disastrous trade agreements like NAFTA, which cost this country over 4 million good-paying jobs. You voted for it.”

“I voted against the Hyde Amendment, which denies low income women the right to get an abortion. You have consistently voted for it.”

“I don’t know what your position is today, but all that I’m saying is we can argue about the merits of the bill. It takes courage sometimes to vote and do the right thing,” Sanders added. 

Biden responded by saying that Sanders voted against the Brady Bill five times and against background checks five times.

“This man is the only one of the few Democrats I know who voted to exempt the gun industry from being able to be sued,” he said. “Talk about a special, special interest.”

“We should be able to sue drug companies,” Biden continued. “We should be able to sue tobacco. We can’t sue gun manufacturers because he voted for that years ago.” read more

9 Comments on Biden and Sanders wag their crazy little fingers at each other during debate

  1. The immediate loss of biden would be a shame, only if he died before facing justice, like hillary clinton, etc.

    WTF is up with that corupt rat christopher wray still heading the FBI???

  2. Bernie is a weak ass you get kisser, how cannot millions of Bernie Bots not now vote for Trump, Bernard has dumped them at the alter twice now…

    Trump needs to change his theme to the drum solo Wipeout…

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