More Navy Ships Headed to South, Central America to Stop Drug-Trafficking – IOTW Report

More Navy Ships Headed to South, Central America to Stop Drug-Trafficking Chronically underfunded and under-resourced U.S. Southern Command will finally be getting more ships and other assets on a rotational basis to counter high-seas drug trafficking and the growing influence of Russia and China in Latin America, the head of the command said Wednesday.

There will be an “enhanced presence of ships” and an overall increase in forces in the SOUTHCOM area of responsibility, which covers the Caribbean to Antarctica, Adm. Craig Faller said.

At a Pentagon news conference, Faller gave no timeframe for when the additional assets would begin arriving but said, “we’re going to be moving out smartly.”

As a result of recent discussions between senior leadership and the combatant commanders, “We will see an increase in U.S. military presence in the hemisphere,” he said. “This will include an enhanced presence of ships, aircraft and security forces” to reassure allies and to counter a “range of threats, to include narcoterrorism.” read more

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