Roast in hell, CNN. Jim Sciutto Spreads Fake News of Nationwide Curfew – IOTW Report

Roast in hell, CNN. Jim Sciutto Spreads Fake News of Nationwide Curfew

Breitbart: Vice President Mike Pence’s Press Secretary called out CNN’s Jim Sciutto Monday morning for spreading an anonymous claim that the Trump administration is considering imposing a curfew across the country.

“New: There are active discussions within the Trump administration to encourage a possible ‘curfew’ across the nation in which non-essential businesses would have to close by a certain time each night,” Sciutto wrote on social media, citing “CNN reporting.”

Katie Miller, Pence’s Press Secretary, responded directly to the post, which had quickly gone viral. “This is not correct,” Miller said.

6 Comments on Roast in hell, CNN. Jim Sciutto Spreads Fake News of Nationwide Curfew

  1. Instead of saying “That is not correct”, Miller should have said “That’s just a lie”. It’s time to start calling a spade a spade when dealing with outlaw media. Calling the statement “not correct” allows for an interpretation of a simple error whereas calling a lie will allow people to realize that it was a deliberate falsehood designed to stoke fear within the population and weaken the President.

  2. Keep digging your grave CNN (and the rest of you fake news outlets). A few thousand viewers doesn’t pay the bills. I hope you bleed AT&T dry with your operating losses. Someone has to feel the pain eventually.

  3. Is there not one person in the press that will stand up and say enough of this bull shit you are a a bunch of liars.
    “Lets take down a President, we have the power to do it, that’s the game we are playing”
    He or She would be the highest paid reporter in America.
    But they can not do it, they are all cowards. All of them do not want to lose their place in the pecking order.
    Fake news the lot of them.


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