Battle of the Curmudgeons – IOTW Report

Battle of the Curmudgeons

Patriot Retort: If the best the Democrat Party can muster are two old curmudgeons shouting at each other, their party might as well just pack it in.


too cranky farts arguing over who didn’t do what or did do that. it’s like a florida condo meeting over who keeps parking too close to the boat dock.
37K8:54 PM – Mar 15, 2020

Yes, last night’s debate certainly was the Battle of the Curmudgeons.

I think I prefer having the flu to having to sit through two hours of Bernie and Joe bickering over who voted for what during their combined seven hundred years in public office.

No wonder the DNC didn’t want Tulsi there.  No sense in reminding America that their two “frontrunners” look like the cast of Grumpy Old Men.

But my theory for why Bernie is staying in this race seems to hold up.  I said the other day that since Sanders has no chance at the nomination, his only hope is to force Joe to adopt a great deal of his radical agenda.

And from the looks of it, during last night’s Battle of the Curmudgeons, Joe did just that.

9 Comments on Battle of the Curmudgeons

  1. Please God, take care of President Trump and his family.
    They way things are going, the democraps are going to try something drastic. They are running out of rational options.


    1. Joe Biden said only felon illegals will be deported, AFTER they enter the country, AFTER, they rape or murder, and AFTER the police track them down, and (again) AFTER an expensive and excruciating trial finds them guilty and IF an Hispanic jury finds him guilty, only to be deported to re-enter again. Just campaign against this and nothing else Mr. President.

    2. Joe Biden sings, “I Got Hairy Legs!”


  3. Bernie believes in what he is saying, Slow Joe doesn’t. Just goes to show you how strong the power drug is. Bernie is genuine, slow Joe is not. He is a pandering unprincipled seeker of power, with no moral compass. And he is who commie/lib/progtards want to lead this country? HELL NO!!


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