Hillary Clinton Appeals Federal Court Order to Go Under Oath – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Appeals Federal Court Order to Go Under Oath

Judicial Watch: In another desperate attempt by the Clinton machine to delay truth and accountability for her email conduct and how it impacted the people’s “right to know” under FOIA, lawyers for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills have asked the Court of Appeals to overturn a U.S. District court order granting Judicial Watch’s request for their depositions about Clinton’s emails and Benghazi attack records. Lawyers for Clinton and Mills filed a “Petition for Writ of Mandamus” earlier today.

The Clinton request comes in Judicial Watch’s lawsuit that seeks records concerning “talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack” (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242)). Judicial Watch famously uncovered in 2014 that the “talking points” that provided the basis for Susan Rice’s false statements were created by the Obama White House. This Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit led directly to the disclosure of the Clinton email system in 2015. read more

19 Comments on Hillary Clinton Appeals Federal Court Order to Go Under Oath

  1. “we came, we saw, [they] died”

    “… what difference, at this point, does it make?”

    Burn Bitch, Burn … you murderous, traitorous harridan

    “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood
    Clean from my hand?” ~ MacBeth, Act 2, Scene 2

  2. The woman who can’t climb a set of 3 stairs, miraculously also does yoga, doesn’t want anyone to see her yoga emails and will JUDGE SHOP in order not to be compelled to talk about them.

    That sounds like someone who is guilty of something.

  3. We are watching the 2 tiered justice system play out, in your face. Completely disgusting it has gone this far.
    Yet there she is, flipping us off, while she chugs down another bottle of Chardonnay and stumbles her way into bed. Good night peasants, the law is for little people.

  4. Obama was the biggest piece of shit ever to hold hight office in our country. But he wasn’t merelyl the biggest piece of shit – he was a piece of shit on a scale unheard of in American history.

    The piece of shit that he is, he was merely george soros’ organ grinder monkey, on a short leash, doing soros’ dance, and at the same time, allowing massive looting and corruption of every aspect of our country.

    Elections have consequences. The corruption of our educational system created an electorate stupid enough to elect obama – twice – and to even entertain freaks like biden and psychos like sanders, let alone Jew-hating scumbags like tlaib and omar holding high office in Congress (and electing an addled protracted adolescnt like cortez).

  5. “Obama was the biggest piece of shit ever to hold high office in our country….”

    The clintons were second and third. Fourth place was not even close to these three pieces of shit.

  6. There always comes a time when the fiddler must be paid.

    In this instance I’m sure the privileged has more than sufficient funds to pay for protection and the guilty will continue to do business as usual.

  7. Hillary the self proclaimed – most investigated most innocent person in America – is busier than a cat in a shaking litter box trying to keep the poo covered up.

  8. Well I’m getting something from my monthly donation to JW. Too bad we don’t have a real DOJ in Washington and have to goto out sourcing if we want true Justice.

  9. For the last hundred years we allowed the global deep state post industrial revolution cabal to take over the country and world.

    We only think we have had a representative government since 1915 we do not. Every single agency, bureau, department and branch of Government has been controlled by the global elite.

    In addition the cabal owns the tech, education, mass media, academic, and entertainment industries whole. They also control most of the legal, corporate, and production sectors.

    Don’t believe me, look at the response to H1N1 and the current Kung Flu… or any annual flu for that matter. Millions infected , hundreds of thousands hospitalized, tens of thousands casualties, ever single year!

    Why suddenly is this flu the end of days? Because the deep state controls the information flow and the propaganda machine. This is just the latest effort to take out PDJT by torpedoing they economy before November.

    I know the IOTW crowd knows the truth, but spread it to all you know to help offset the propoganda.

  10. “Clinton’s team also argued that she’s pretty much too important and had other things going on that may conflict with her testifying, which is just as pathetic of an excuse as it sounds.”

    she’s going to be the nominee for the democrats


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