NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Ignores His Own Wuhan Flu Rules to Hit the Gym – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Ignores His Own Wuhan Flu Rules to Hit the Gym


New York Mayor Bill de Blasio flouted his own city’s coronavirus guidelines to work out at the Brooklyn YMCA on Monday morning.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is already facing sharp criticism for his response — or relative lack thereof — to the novel coronavirus, officially classified as “COVID-19,” global pandemic. De Blasio has, until Mondayresisted school closures, putting millions of families at risk of exposure to the contagion. The mayor took so long to course-correct that upset staffers reportedly chose to quit rather than continue supporting his leadership.

“We understand the immense disruption this will create for our families,” United Federation of Teachers president Michael Mulgrew said. “But right now, more than a million students and staff crisscross the city every day on their way to schools, putting themselves and others at risk of exposure and increasing the likelihood of bringing exposure into their homes and communities.”

And despite declaring the pandemic a “war” over which the federal government should “take over” on Sunday and making a case for government nationalization of “crucial factories and industries” to produce medical supplies, de Blasio does not appear to believe these rules should necessarily apply to him. read more

13 Comments on NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Ignores His Own Wuhan Flu Rules to Hit the Gym

  1. He knows the real situation about it and isn’t letting his decisions be fear driven.

    Knowledge is power, and knowledgeable people are not people living in fear.

    To borrow a thought from Churchill, what we have to fear is not the virus itself, but the fear (of the virus) itself.

  2. …I can understand them not wanting to send the kidz home from their K-12 daycare/ indoctrination centers, tho. Sending them home means there’s NO relief from these little Democrat savages, so the elderly are going to suffer FAR more from their (unreported) depredations of bored teens rampaging through the neighborhoods than they will from some imaginary Democrat disease…


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