Amsterdam Potheads Panic- Buy Weed – IOTW Report

Amsterdam Potheads Panic- Buy Weed

Breitbart: Hundreds of local users in Amsterdam lined up outside the country’s infamous “coffee shops” to stock up on marijuana after the government announced that the shops would be closed for the next three weeks.

On Sunday, the Dutch government announced that it would be closing all restaurants, cafes, and schools, as well as shutting down all brothels, sex clubs, sport schools, and marijuana coffee shops in an attempt to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

In response to the announcement, panicked pot-heads rushed to their local coffee shops to stock up on their preferred drug, for fear of not being able to get high during the nationwide lockdown.

“I came here because I’ve learned that everything’s gonna be shut down for the next few weeks. I’m basically thinking that at some point I’ll run out of ideas of what to do at home,” a woman named Dee told the NL Times.

A staff member at Coffeeshop Best Friends said that customers raced to the shop to buy marijuana after the announcement from the government, but that sadly many missed the cutoff.

“There were 30 or 40 people here after the government said we have to close and many of them did not get to buy their stuff,” he said filled with sorrow.


23 Comments on Amsterdam Potheads Panic- Buy Weed

  1. “…at some point I’ll run out of ideas of what to do at home,”

    …well, there’s this ONE thing that’s gonna get done by bored pothead couples at home, probably a LOT…

    …thus is another generation of Democrats assured…

  2. How much are they allowed to buy here, though? Isn’t there a certain amount called possession with intent to distribute? Because if they waive that, why are people in prison right now, no matter how much they had on them when arrested?

  3. Id rather die with a clear head when i stand before God than all spaced out and making stupid statements like wow man this place is far out. 🤔😥😉😂

  4. TommyBoy in IN
    MARCH 17, 2020 AT 10:42 AM
    ‘“…thus is another generation of Democrats assured…”

    naaahh, they’ll just abort them.’

    …not ALL of them…Democrats always keep some around for drug lookouts, sex toys, and as slaves to trade for drugs and such, not to mention as literal poster children that they use as powerful images to blame the visible results if Democrat programs on sonething OTHER than Demovrat programs to get more money for Democrat prograns…

  5. Drug dependency, whether physical or psychological, weakens you and lessens your chance of survival in tough conditions.

    This includes tobacco and alcohol.

    Be wise and avoid dependency on them.

  6. MJA
    MARCH 17, 2020 AT 10:45 AM
    “Hopefully, they’ve been adding some stuff in it to make them sterile. lol”

    …if Hillary runs for the White House again this year, a campaign flyer with her image on it included with every baggie ought to do the trick..

  7. “Drug dependency, whether physical or psychological, weakens you and lessens your chance of survival in tough conditions.”

    Does that include coffee?


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