Border chief won’t hand over criminal illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities – IOTW Report

Border chief won’t hand over criminal illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities

Wa Ex:

The new chief of the U.S. Border Patrol has drawn a line at handing over illegal immigrant criminals to sanctuary cities that won’t promise to return them after their local court cases are completed.

Rodney Scott, who was named chief in January, said that even those wanted for murder won’t be handed over if they won’t be returned to federal officials to be deported.

Referring to California, an illegal immigrant sanctuary state, he said that Border Patrol will deport an illegal immigrant if there is an outstanding warrant for arrest should the state refuse to return them. read more

6 Comments on Border chief won’t hand over criminal illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities

  1. Maybe Trump’s federal government should set up a new court system just to handle illegals, totally independant and separate from the existing system. If their home country doesn’t want that, then home country has to pay to come here and take them back and guarantee we never see them again or they WILL stand trial in the new system.

  2. TheRealTruthSerum,
    That’s the point. He WON’T be turning the illegals over to the sanctuaries, without some ironclad “pinkie swear” promise – in writing. With a deposit.

  3. @ Dan Knowles
    Because you want a murderer to serve his time for murder before simply deporting them back where they came from, and the murder charge is usually a state or county charge the Feds would not be involved with. Otherwise, what is the deterrent to just murdering people then turning yourself in to be deported with no other punishment just so you can sneak back into the US six months later?


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