Canada: ‘Jessica’ Yaniv pleads guilty to weapons charge – IOTW Report

Canada: ‘Jessica’ Yaniv pleads guilty to weapons charge

Post Millennial: Jessica Yaniv appeared in a BC Courthouse today on charges of prohibited weapons possession. The charges came after Yaniv, a notorious vexatious litigant and alleged child sexual predator, discharged a taser on Blaire White’s YouTube channel during a livestream.

Tasers are prohibited weapons in Canada, and the appearance of the weapon caused many viewers to tip off the RCMP, who were deployed to Yaniv’s Langley residence that same night, detaining Yaniv and charging the trans activist with two counts of prohibited weapons possession after finding two tasers and two cans of bear spray in the residence. read more

12 Comments on Canada: ‘Jessica’ Yaniv pleads guilty to weapons charge

  1. “Jessica” is being ordered to undergo psychiatric evaluation.
    Seems a little late. Also, haven’t the rules of the psychiatric practice changed so that there can no longer be any “interference” with a preferred gender selection? So what help would a psych evaluation be?
    So many questions – such obvious answers – such political correctness. My head hurts, too!

  2. Yaniv is a real piece of crap in every sense of the word, but what this really illustrates is the we Canadians are really no allowed to defend ourselves in any real way.

    The “Bear Spray” is pepper spray. We all know this is a non lethal item but if you were to use it against an intruder with a gun or knife to try and save your own life, “thou art fucked” in Canuckistan. SAD

  3. I once had a blind date answer the door who looked almost as bad as this thing. Instead of bolting, I took her to the most obscure restaurant I could think of so I wouldn’t be seen with the beast and left very quickly after dumping her off at home. Very unpleasant night but I took one for the team.


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