Americans: China should pay for spreading virus, 3-in-10 say it’s ‘war’ – IOTW Report

Americans: China should pay for spreading virus, 3-in-10 say it’s ‘war’

Wa Ex: Many people want China to help pay for its “silence and secrecy” that allowed the coronavirus to spread globally, according to a new survey focused on the crisis gripping the United States.

In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets, 42% of likely U.S. voters said that the communist country should help pay some of the financial costs that have resulted from the so-called Wuhan coronavirus, named for the city it began in.

Some 36% disagreed, and 22% are undecided, said Rasmussen.

Support is higher among Republicans. Of them, 54% want China to “pay at least some of the world’s coronavirus bills,” said Rasmussen. Just 37% of both Democrats and voters not affiliated with either major political party agreed. MORE

8 Comments on Americans: China should pay for spreading virus, 3-in-10 say it’s ‘war’

  1. Thanks to Trump, China is already paying, and will be for a long time.

    Whatever did the JUG-EARED BLACK MESSIAH do about China? I can’t recall…

    Or Russia

    Or North Korea

    Or the Middle East

    Or the EU

    Or Mexico and South America

    OR THE U.S.?????

  2. We all need to show the Damn Chinee we mean business.
    Mrs. Lazlo has decreed that Nothing enters this house made in China
    Proviso: If it can at all be helped.
    We certainly have no need for Jester hats, cheap steel art crap for the yard, or almost anything from Walmart.
    Made in America needs to figure prominently in our future.
    Yeah its going to cost more. But my money goes into American Pockets.
    Well worth the money

  3. “42% of likely U.S. voters said that the communist country should help pay some of the financial costs”

    imagine that, most will be republicans
    democrats think joe biden or hillary should be president

  4. I agree that the best way to deal with China is at a distance. I never understood why we the US and the West in general not only props up, but created China’s economy. They are on a war footing reminiscent to Japan in the early 30s. The only reason to create 30 million unmarried men is for war. No society in history has ever intentionally had an excess male for any other reason.

    And for crying out loud, how is it that the second largest economy in the world is still the recipient of World Bank and IMF developmental assistance while engaged in an enormous military expansion?


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