Following Trump’s Good Example, Many Trump Supporters Should Refuse $1K Stimulus Check – IOTW Report

Following Trump’s Good Example, Many Trump Supporters Should Refuse $1K Stimulus Check


Acting as so many are today out of an abundance of caution, President Trump wants every American to get a $1,000.00 check to simultaneously help individuals and the economy we all rely on. It’s a move that many will call hasty but one that is nevertheless in perfect alignment with so many other drastic measures we’re seeing amid the Wuhan Virus hysteria.

Praised today for his tone even by Fake News CNN’s Dana Bash, President Trump continues to take extraordinary measures to lead our nation through what everyone with any kind of meaningful platform assures us all is a catastrophic disaster of Biblical proportions just waiting for our inaction to happen.

Does the moment truly merit the meltdown?

I’m highly skeptical and the media’s persistent dishonesty, flagrant partisanship, total lack of integrity, and exploitation of their power is the single reason for that skepticism.

Still, I know that President Trump has to respond with seriousness and action, and as one of his earliest and strongest supporters I’m sincerely glad he’s doing so.

But I also know that my family and I don’t need the $1,000.00 stimulus check. And I’m guessing many others who will qualify for and get one don’t either. Like many private sector employers, mine has made every effort to take care of its people and ensure continuity in our financial livelihood. They’ve taken steps to adhere to the cautionary warnings with respect to social distancing etc, but we are still getting paid. And the downturn on Wall Street doesn’t impact my family’s near-term financial well being. more

50 Comments on Following Trump’s Good Example, Many Trump Supporters Should Refuse $1K Stimulus Check

  1. I don’t need it, I’m actually in a good place where I have some extra resources right now. And if need be I will help those who have a greater need than me, quietly with no fanfare because it’s the right thing to do. Does anyone remember the WIN (Whip inflation now) checks of the mid 70’s under President Ford’s administration that were sent out to the American people to stimulate the economy. I think I got about $300 to $400 with those checks which was a lot of money back then.

  2. I was actually thinking earlier on this. After checking around I was considering half to Salvation army and half to meals on wheels. Local soup kitchen is shut down due to states quarantine on restaurants.

  3. Hoping they will take the money from the totally useless foreign aid and spend it here for a change. However, I will take the money and buy a foreign product with it: Single Malt Scotch.
    Mrs. M has already discovered that after pooping, she can just jump right in the shower – so our TP should last for a while.

  4. Let’s all invest in FOOD TRUCKS! Mobile take-out. Calling all food truck chefs, mobile BBQers and bakers, alike! Call me at 123-456-7890 for an investment opportunity of a lifetime!! Have your credit debit card ready, era, just bring your stimulus cash and your recipes, pots, pans and baking dishes!

    That was really stupid, right? The FED and Wall Street are deathly afraid of DEFLATION!

    Don’t do this, Mr. President!

  5. I have a better idea how about cancelling all IRS debts and all IRS payments for the year? All those who have already had it stolen from their check, send it back. That would help small businesses and employees alike more than a $1000 check.
    What do they need the money for anyway, they just run on fake money as it is.

  6. Anybody that doesn’t have an immediate need for this money may want to consider your local animal shelters also. They might end up having try to keep their animals for longer periods as I’m sure the foot traffic will be down. Hate to think that finances could spell bad news for the helpless critters.🐕🐈🐇

  7. “They Can’t Take That Away From Me”

    There are many, many crazy things
    That will keep me loving you,
    And with your permission
    May I list a few?

    The way you wear your hat.
    The way you sip your tea.
    The memory of all that –
    No, no – they can’t take that away from me.

    Oh, yes they can.

  8. When Rose and I married she was on some kind of Obamacare program with really cheap insurance. But now that she is married to a rich guy they want a thousand bucks back.

    Works for us.

  9. Make it a $Million.
    We’re just printing money that future generations will have to repay – so – Fuck em!
    330 Million Million is what? 330 Trillion?
    We already have 220 $Trillion worth of unfunded liabilities, so why not make it 550 $Trillion? No big shakes – it’s all funny-money, anyway.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I’m buying a new electric starter for a 93 harley sportster and then giving it to “B”. Who is a nice guy and didn’t deserve (for real) to do 16 years in prison for running away from home.

    Short dude. Kinda’ twitchy. Lives waaaaay the hell out on a dirt road to nowhere. Hasn’t got a phone, running water or a pot to piss in.

    He builds all his parts out of stuff he finds so his lil’ sporty looks kinda’ Mad Max. Figure he could use a hand.

  11. Remember way back when we used to pay our taxes at the last minute in order to “starve the beast”? I was still doing it, stubbornly, until a couple years ago.

  12. OH WAIT!

    Unless that third sector I have my half my body through the door of busts wide open, then I’ll take you all out for Chinese food. There’s a local restaurant here in town that has THE BEST Chinese food I’ve ever tasted. And they don’t serve bats or cats!

  13. Well, it was my money to begin with. They took it. Now, they’re gonna give me just a little bit back. And either they’ll take taxes out, or make me declare it as income next year. Or both.

    Yeah, I’ll keep it. It’s bloody well mine. And there’s this rifle I’ve had my eye on…

  14. Since I’m paying for a lot of those $1,000 checks, I will definitely keep it and spend it if they send one to me. But that’s a big “if” since me Mrs. Lot both work in the IT sector.

  15. Hmmm. Granted that government takes more than their fair share of my income to finance low lifes, deadbeats and ne’erdowells. And shithole countries.

    But it causes me great trepidation to have government expand the idea of itself as savior. I can’t believe Trump would fall for this trap. what about next week?

    And the week after? It will never be enough to satisfy the professional agitators.

    When the media crazed intersects the deadbeat lazy nothing good can happen.

    I am hating this rat fuck/pig pile trap Trump is falling into.
    The stench on this is foreboding.

    Trump ia being set up. Democrats are more than happy to destroy the economy and murder Americans in order to seize power. Chaos is dems friend.

  16. I guess I could recycle $1k for them. Fed gov says I owe them $1.8k for income taxes. (each year I give them as small of an interest free loan as I can). And the state wants $1.5k for property taxes.

    A better deal is they keep the $1k, say I don’t have to pay either tax, and thereby reduce their accounting expenses. Win-win system.

  17. Did we all take stupid pills or something? I don’t recall reading about Uncle Sam coming into a big inheritance or holding a WuHan fire sale, or even getting a part time job at Amazon to come up with this money to “give” to people. The Federal Govt has NO money to give to anyone and no means of earning it. The only way they can “give” us $1000 is to first confiscate $2000 from us to cover their costs!!! Some of y’all act as if this $1000 is going to come from money they’ve already taken and are just giving it back. Wake up! They’re going to have to raise taxes to cover this bread and circus!!!

  18. Billy,
    Go to the checkout of your favorite grocery store and, when the total comes, tell em you got “integrity.”

    An old joke:
    Robber: “Give me all your money or I’ll blow yer brains out!”
    Victim: *SIGH* “Go ahead and shoot – I can live without brains but I can’t live without money.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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