Analysis: Politicians who rigged their way into Congress getting comeuppance in primary losses – IOTW Report

Analysis: Politicians who rigged their way into Congress getting comeuppance in primary losses

Wa Examiner: Sixteen years after Illinois’s Dan Lipinski bypassed voters to get to Congress, his constituents got revenge.

For New York’s Joe Crowley in 2018, it took 20 years, but with the same effect.

The pair of Democratic congressman defeated in primaries offer a cautionary tale about violating the spirit, if not the letter, of party nominating rules to win elections. Years ago, each used insider connections in the extreme to win their urban/suburban House seats and eventually lost in Democratic primaries to liberal party rivals more simpatico with voters in those districts.

Lipinski, on Tuesday, lost the Chicago-area seat he first “won” in 2004 to Marie Newman, a liberal primary opponent mounting her second straight challenge from the Left. Lipinski earned liberal ire over the years for his opposition to abortion rights, his 2010 vote against Obamacare, and standing against same-sex marriage long after it was embraced by mainstream Democrats.

But it was the way he entered Congress in the first place that was truly scandalous. more here

7 Comments on Analysis: Politicians who rigged their way into Congress getting comeuppance in primary losses

  1. Great that they’ll be out but there should be a more effective way to rid ourselves of these corrupt pests. Who wants to wait them out for 20 years?

    Drag them into the streets and flog them bloody with buggy whips.

  2. I’m from Chicago, now in the suburbs, no difference. Born and raised, and generations on both sides for eons. Corrupt, who you know, Chicago.

    Dan Lipinski, was a conservative democrat, if there is such an animal.
    When AOC praises Marie Newman, and they are calling her the 5th squad member, that should say enough.

  3. The biggest problem we have is crazy women getting into politics (along with beta males).

    We have to start either supporting alpha male or mentally healthy women or get into politics ourselves. We’re doomed, otherwise.

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