Nolte: Florida Poll Shows Trump Beating Biden, Bernie – IOTW Report

Nolte: Florida Poll Shows Trump Beating Biden, Bernie

Breitbart– A Univision poll of the crucially important swing state Florida shows President Trump beating both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.

Against Grandpa Joe Biden, Trump leads 48 to 45 percent.

This is in line with a Florida Atlantic poll taken a few days earlier that has Trump up 51 to 49 percent over Biden.

Against Bernie Sanders, Trump wins the Sunshine State 49 to 42 percent.

That Florida Atlantic poll shows Trump up over Bernie 53 to 47 percent.

One advantage Democrats were looking for in Florida was Andrew Gillum, the former Tallahassee mayor who ran for governor (and lost) in 2018.

Gillum, a young, charismatic black man, was almost certainly at the top of any list for vice presidential nominees. Those hopes came to a screeching halt last week, though, when police found Gillum inebriated at 1 a.m. in a hotel room with another man who had overdosed. The second man works as a gay escort. What’s more, meth was found in the room. Gillum is married with three children. read more

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