‘I’m Not Going To Let Them Get Away With It’ — Trump Snaps On New York Times For ‘Disgraceful’ Coronavirus Coverage – IOTW Report

‘I’m Not Going To Let Them Get Away With It’ — Trump Snaps On New York Times For ‘Disgraceful’ Coronavirus Coverage

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump ripped into the New York Times’ coverage of his administration’s response to the coronavirus Tuesday, saying that the network did “disgraceful” journalism this week.

During his press briefing, a reporter asked Trump about his attacks on Democrats, including Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and former President Barack Obama.

Whitmer had previously criticized the federal government’s response to Coronavirus, leading Trump to hit back characteristically.

Trump defended his actions, saying that he only lashes out when he is forced to “respond.”

“She said something that was false and therefore I did do that. And I will continue to do that,” Trump said, then pivoting to the media, accusing reporters of misrepresenting him in a phone call Monday. more

8 Comments on ‘I’m Not Going To Let Them Get Away With It’ — Trump Snaps On New York Times For ‘Disgraceful’ Coronavirus Coverage

  1. Our Michigan governor, Gretchen Witmer and her lesbian Attorney General Dana Nestle are partisan, evil, lying Democrat hacks. She knew damn well that Trump was streamlining things for the states by cutting out the Feds as the middle man. The bitch saw an opportunity to try and make the president look bad and ran with it. Sadly Michigan has a bad habit of electing and reelecting idiots.

  2. I, for one, believe everything the New York Times prints. For example, the account of President Trump’s annual bat hunting safari in China where he and his cabinet try to bag bats with unknown, yet highly communicable diseases seems believable. I’m o.k. with the reports of Trump holding down Seattle residents while Melania injected them with coronavirus ridden bat blood. I think the NYT is spot on with accounts of Trump ordering B-52s to drop coronavirus on major cities in the U.S.

    I’m fine with how Trump is handling this. The pandemic panic may or may not be overblown, but the President is relying on medical and scientific experts instead of politicians in handling this matter – which incidentally undercuts, at least temporarily, the tremendous strides Trump made in reversing the Obama economy. Trump’s major contributions are starting remedial efforts early, and streamlining procedures so whatever assistance is needed is provided efficiently. Trump gains no political advantage from this situation, yet he began addressing the issue even while the Democrats were engaging in their bullshit impeachment.

    How effective is Trump’s leadership? Even some leading Democrat politicians agree with his handling of the situation – and we all know that Democrats can fuck up a one car funeral. Maybe this coronavirus panic will amount to nothing, or maybe Trump is preventing a 1918 Spanish flu situation – we will know in hindsight. But what we do know is that organizations like the New York Times always analyzes things in hindsight and never prospectively, and even then is usually wrong.

  3. This is all coordinated, ginned-up hysteria, a deliberate attack on our economy. It put Trump into a bind, e.g. if he called this out, every single death would be screamed from the hilltops as Trump’s fault, and the globalist moneywhigs would still be short-selling and manipulating the stock market. Any normal action Trump could take would be criticized, no matter what he did. So…

    It’s an attack on us from an “invisible enemy”. Then it IS “war”. So watch Trump go along with this, since he has no choice (if you’re attacked you really don’t have one), and Turn What They Wished For Around On Them In Spades.

    Will it hurt? Yes, some, but it also gives Trump the ability to do with broad “emergency” and “defense” actions what will be great in the long run: Out of China. Clamp down on globalism. Repatriate crucial industries including pharaceutical, medical, and defense. Build that wall. Control immigration of all kinds. End the open-borders and “migrant” nonsense. Show up the power-mongering leftist tyrants for what they are. Get our troops home. Redirect wasted resources. Put a plan in place to deal with an actual attack with actual bio-weapons. Mandate/negotiate health care transparency and rules and competition that are sorely needed (e.g. doctors’ state licenses are national as of today). And more… all kinds of other stuff is going on under the radar of the media chaos. And it will be done in Trump time.


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