“Richard Jewell” will make you seethe – IOTW Report

“Richard Jewell” will make you seethe

Patriot Retort: Since I’m sick with the flu and the splitting headaches make reading an impossibility, I’ve been binge-watching DVDs and digital movies while I rest my sick little body.  And last night I decided to rent Clint Eastwood’s film “Richard Jewell.”

For those who don’t know, “Richard Jewell” is about the 1996 Olympic bombing in Atlanta – specifically the heroic security guard who was first celebrated by the media for discovering the bomb and saving lives only to then become the target of a media witch hunt when the FBI began investigating him as the prime suspect.

What happened to Richard Jewell is tragic.  When the FBI first began looking into him, one of the agents did what FBI agents apparently do a lot — he leaked to a reporter that Jewell was their suspect.  The reporter then did what reporters do a lot – she published the leak and set loose a media swarm on an innocent man.

Given our present climate, “Richard Jewell” made me seethe with fury over how easy it is for the media to destroy someone’s life.

One scene in particular got me furious. In it, the reporter enters the newsroom after the story makes the front page and all the other reporters start cheering. read more

15 Comments on “Richard Jewell” will make you seethe

  1. I can seethe at the FBI and media by googling Steele Dossier, Russia Collusion and Mueller Report to name a few. And keep my coin in my pocket. This movie might push me over the edge.

  2. I have zero respect for the media/press. Just today, I read on msn.com at noon, that the number of Wuhan Flu cases world-wide had reached 200,000 plus and the number of deaths are 8,000. This is since November 7,when China first reported (so almost 5 months ago). My city has a population of 225,000, so it is comparable to my city being wiped out and this is for the entire world. I think the media need to go back to school for some remedial arithmetic skills such as percentages.

  3. This movie just shows the further away you can stay from the media …The better.
    Mass Media better watch out, it isn’t hard to take out all their delicate electronics, transmitters, and uplinks.

  4. This is why suing the media is a necessity.
    Not just for libel and slander, but for disrupting your life (celebrities (those who seek “celebrity”) excluded).
    As well as the maggot at the FBI – he should be sued AND imprisoned for malfeasance – and “I am an FBI Leaker” tattooed across his back.
    It’s not really surprising that the FBI encourages sneaky, slimy, dishonest, life-endangering maggotry.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. What kind of flu?

    (a) H1N1
    (b) H1N2
    (c) H2N1
    (d) H3N1
    (e) H3N2

    (n) HnNn
    (n+1) Wuflu
    (n+2) ChiCom Chow Mein
    (n+3) Trump’s Generic Chinese Flu
    (n+4) You know, THE THING!!

    Get well soon, Dianny!! You’ve got handouts coming!

  6. This is the only movie I have been looking forward to seeing. Thank You for reminding me.

    I am truly disgusted with the media and and politicians.

    Here I sit in Canuckistan watching the national media scare people into a panic as they put a camera in front of Turdo and all the other jet setting politicians and await their wisdom & guidance.

    Trump, his staff and the US military, were at least watching this CV-19 issue as best as was reasonable given China’s suppression since November.

    Out PRIME IMBECILE was traveling all over the world.
    His wife knowingly wasted time in London despite having much earlier information than the rest of us. Now he addresses the nation with that smug look on his face in self imposed quarantine as the CBC glowingly basks in his presence like trained seals.

    Yesterday, I drove 8 hours straight to get my daughters stuff from university and saw not 1 copper on the highways in either direction and none in the university town. I guess they were busy investigating a speech crime instead of being available for the speed freaks on the highways!

    I will am watching as little news as possible as a result.

  7. Big Momma

    Practical math has either been replaced by Common core or is now racist.

    On the cruise ship Diamond Princess:

    7 dead out of 3711 people = 0.189% died 7 in their 70`s & 80`s

    of people that were infected in the age group 288:
    7 of 288 = 2.4%

    One thing that is positive is that this was BEFORE people took the most basic precautions (since they did not know anything was up initially) and that Cruise ship is a floating petri dish of germs with an enclosed ventilation system.

    In a house you are better off than on that ship.
    Everyone is at least taking some precautions. (washing)
    If you live in a condo or apartment, try and keep a window cracked a bit to let some fresh air in.
    Get some form of exercise if you can. It helps me!

    The media STRESS is not helping anyone, except for democrats that are currently being hunted by Tom Fitton & Judicial watch.


    Stay Positive!

  8. Bill clinton began the sell-out to the Chi-Comms after coming into office in 1994, and the floodgates to treason opened, with everyone on the left and in the GOPe selling out our country and grabbing what they could.

    How Bill Clinton and American Financiers Armed China:

    The Richard Jewell media scandal began in 1996. Psycho leftist Janet Reno was clinton’s AG. It was her who leaked the Jewell investigation. What was her motive? And remember: she didn’t do antyhing without marching orders from clinton.

    The South China Morning Post reviews the Eastwood movie. Considering the Chi-Comms have corrupted our media and our news organizations, does this review surprise you?

    “Richard Jewell film review: Clint Eastwood’s right-wing agenda blights engaging portrait of a falsely accused man”:

  9. F4UCorsair

    I can’t. I work for a family business. They need me.

    I am so interested in what happens in the USA because if America becomes socialist an entire PLANET will go “Dark”. Very few people understand this ONE FACT


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