“I’m Dealing with a F*cking Global Crisis!” – IOTW Report

“I’m Dealing with a F*cking Global Crisis!”

– Bernie Sanders Lashes Out at CNN Reporter Asking About His 2020 Campaign Plans.

GatewayPundit: Crazy Bernie lashed out at CNN reporter Manu Raju on Wednesday amid rumors he was suspending his failing 2020 campaign.

Bernie’s camp suspended Facebook ads on Wednesday after Biden trounced him Tuesday night in the Illinois and Florida primaries, prompting rumors he was dropping out of the 2020 race.

Manu Raju asked Crazy Bernie about his campaign plans and the Commie Senator exploded!

“I’m dealing with a fucking global crisis!” Bernie angrily said to Manu Raju when asked about his campaign. LMAO

24 Comments on “I’m Dealing with a F*cking Global Crisis!”

  1. Bernie has never done anything productive (at least successfully) in his entire life. He has lived off the the public teat since he was 40 and 25 years in Congress has produced nothing of significance (except renaming two post offices).

  2. Dealing with a global crisis in Bernie’s mind is going against any and everything that President Trump tries to do. Screw off you crusty old curmudgeonly bastard.

  3. It appears that Barn Door is a bit confused, maybe he is off his medication, maybe has taken pretending to be President too far. He’s doing a fabulous job of showing his mental instability. Bravo Bernie!He’s doing a fabulous job of showing his mental instability. Bravo Bernie! Thank you for showing you’re not the man for the job.

  4. You’re dealing with a fu*king global crisis?

    I’m dealing with a fu*king global crisis!

    The whole world is dealing with a fu*king global crisis!

    And I’m out of toilet paper!


  5. Trump vs Biden will be much more entertaining.

    Bernie is a simple communist supporting leach.

    However with Biden you get many more angles that Trump will absolutely flog him with.
    Mental fitness
    Sniffing & groping
    Gun confiscation
    Sanctuary cities
    Catch & release…

    A much more colorful palate to work with which can then be applied to the entire Democrat party as he is a classic democrat.

    I do hope Trump uses his humor with his attacks because in fact he can be quite funny and entertaining!

  6. Bernie wasn’t (isn’t?) running in order to actually become President! That would require so much more work than he is willing to exercise. All about the money. Might even been about showing thinking U.S. citizens how many kumquat headed bernie-bros there are and how violent they can be. Fukc him and his brownshirts.

  7. Stinkfinger Bernie: I’m dealing with it by setting an example of using no fucking toilet paper. Get it? NO TOILET PAPER.

    Up till last week I used two rolls every day. Now, I don’t use it at all. I use my hand just like my Palestinian brothers do. Ms. Tlaib showed me exactly how it’s done. The trick is, don’t smell yours or anybody else’s fingers. It’s easy. Plus, we’re saving the planet from the greedy toilet paper manufacturers who want to take every last damn tree on earth and turn it into toilet paper. We’re taking a stand and we don’t give a shit if we smell bad.

    And what is Mr. Evil Trump doing about it? He’s the one who started the virus to begin with by denying trade with our wonderful communist friends.

  8. Correction from Bernie Sanders advisors:

    Let us make the record clear. Senator Sanders now remembers that he actually used 3 rolls of toilet paper every day till this week. The Senator is obviously making a huge commitment to America and the world by eliminating a product that, in the Senator’s words “is killing our forests, our Polar Bears, our Antarctic Foxes, the glaciers in California and causes global warming all at the same time.”

    How many people can go from 3 rolls a day to none practically overnight? Senator Sanders did, and he is the people’s choice for getting our country turned around and going in the direction that Americans expect from our leaders. And, he is doing it by personal example.

    Tonight, Senator Sanders sends out a challenge to Joe Biden: “Joe, I know you use a lot of TP. Do what I have done and get rid of it…flush it all away forever.”

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