Larry Elder: Biden’s memory isn’t the only problem; it’s his lies – IOTW Report

Larry Elder: Biden’s memory isn’t the only problem; it’s his lies

BPR: The fact that former Vice President Joe Biden, now on his third try for the presidency, remains the last “moderate” standing says more about his now-vanquished rivals than about Biden. The same media that post running tabs on President Donald Trump’s “lies” ignore, downplay or otherwise dismiss Biden’s gaffes, memory lapses and frequent incoherence.

He’s Uncle Joe, the regular guy from Scranton, Pennsylvania, who understands the common man. So what if he says, without proof, that he worked to “desegregate restaurants and movie houses of Wilmington, Delaware”? So what if he says since 2007, “150 million people” — almost half of the U.S. population — “have been killed” due to gun violence?

So what if he boasts about his “arrest” in South Africa for supposedly attempting to visit Nelson Mandela, an effort Mandela allegedly later thanked Biden for attempting? Never mind that none of it is true — not the arrest, not the attempted visit and not the thank you from Mandela. According to the Daily Beast: “Biden finally admitted that the story was much different than he’d initially described, saying he told police while on a congressional delegation to South Africa that he was ‘not going to go in that door that says white only’ and separate from his black colleagues.” And so what if Biden, who voted for the Iraq War resolution and publicly accused Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein of possessing weapons of mass destruction, now claims he “didn’t believe (Saddam Hussein) had those weapons of mass destruction”? read more

10 Comments on Larry Elder: Biden’s memory isn’t the only problem; it’s his lies

  1. In the recent history of his political party, only President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton has told more lies on the path to defeating that Great Usurper, Donald J. Trump. Poor Joey’s only excuse for these whoppers is that he wants to save the country from President Trump and his gun toting, deplorable white racists. I can’t wait for his ghost written book on his failed presidential campaign, “Somebody Told Me That Something Happened.”

  2. Plagiarism, corruption, creepy perversion, aggression/threats, and being an evil Leftist should all disqualify him. The pathological lying is just the cherry on top of the Biden shit-sundae.

    Supporting Biden proves you lack a moral compass.


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