Former 2020 Dem Candidate, Liar and Nag Plays Censor for the ChiComs – IOTW Report

Former 2020 Dem Candidate, Liar and Nag Plays Censor for the ChiComs

Patriot Retort: It isn’t just the American news media that is carrying water for the ChiComs. Democrat politicians are getting in on the act as well.

But while most of the Democrats are satisfied with simply parroting the “THAT’S RACIST!” Talking Point, Elizabeth Warren has taken Useful Idiot for the ChiComs to a whole new level.


Take a look:

21 Comments on Former 2020 Dem Candidate, Liar and Nag Plays Censor for the ChiComs

  1. well, makes sense to me … the Native Americans came over the Bering Straight from Asia, didn’t they?

    I’m sure Liawatha has a lot of Chinese blood! 🤣

  2. Is it possible that the American democrats do not realize how much capacity the US Military, navy etc. has medically?

    There are current Hospitals, facilities that can be temporary, Navy Hospital ships, Mobile army …

  3. It’s almost like China is calling in chits on a lot of people who’ve benefited from special relationships with the PRC. We should be hearing from Hunter Biden. Although the Chicoms probably told him to go in quarantine.

  4. …does this mean she identifies as 1/1064th Chinese now?

    …you’re not Asian, Sackajacrapa, you’re just JAUNDICED.

    …all those beers you’re drinking ALONE will do that..

  5. South Korean President is a total communist

    You may not know this, but their last president (a female) was impeached by the democrats and thrown into jail. The guy who lost to her, is now the president.

    There is a picture of Nancy Pelosi with a high ranking communist party member from South Korea, that they all despise, yet there they are smiling and hugging each other.

    Same world template for all leftists whether they are in Sweden or California: let in 3rd world scum to rape and murder whomever they want, let them out of jail, or don’t prosecute them at all, and if you fight back, you’re a racist.

    ALL world leftists are self-hating destroyers.


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