Kevin Hassett Returning to White House To Assist With ChinaCOVID-19 Economic Response – IOTW Report

Kevin Hassett Returning to White House To Assist With ChinaCOVID-19 Economic Response

Conservative Treehouse:

Former White House Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Kevin Hassett is returning to the administration as a senior economic advisor to President Trump during the COVID-19 response.

Kevin Hassett is very sharp and a happy warrior by disposition.  Hassett was excellent as CEA Chair and no doubt his rejoining the economic team with an advisory position to President Trump will bring a great voice back to the crew. more

2 Comments on Kevin Hassett Returning to White House To Assist With ChinaCOVID-19 Economic Response

  1. Good news. The more economic insight and expertise in the whole Chi-Com Lung Rot response planning and action, the better. Those taking the SHUT IT ALL DOWN stance have no conception of the damage they will do.

  2. I have a very uneasy feeling. Never has an economy this complex been tested in this way. There are more things to suffer and die from than the flu. And the democrat governors are shutting down way too much just to try to make Trump look bad and get a democrat elected to permanent power. TDS should not be underestimated.


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