Regulatory Reform Benefits Black America – IOTW Report

Regulatory Reform Benefits Black America


Issues & Insight:

 In his State of the Union address, President Donald Trump heralded a “blue-collar boom” he called “relentlessly pro-worker” and “pro-growth.”

Crediting this to sensible regulation, he proclaimed America to be a “place where the action is,” adding that “our nation’s manufacturing might” is yielding historic low unemployment for chronically disadvantaged groups including blacks, Hispanics, women and those without advanced educations.

Before his address, he announced what could be his most significant regulatory step with a proposed White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) rule to reform the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

The Project 21 black leadership network has submitted a public comment to the CEQ, calling Trump’s proposal “regulatory reform that enhances black empowerment.”

 A 50-year-old regulation – subjecting major construction projects and land management decisions to an array of permitting and oversight – that has not been updated in over 40 years, NEPA unnecessarily impedes the growth and improvement of our economy and infrastructure. Furthermore, it keeps Americans who want to work from being able to find good jobs that will provide them and their families with income, opportunity, and advancement.

2 Comments on Regulatory Reform Benefits Black America

  1. Trump should make “are you better off now than you were four years ago” the primary campaign issue this year.

    That’s what (probably) most people will be voting on, especially if it gets the loyally non thinking loyal party parrots to think about it for a while.

    Depending on the events and situations between now and then it will either give him a bigly win or crushing loss.



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