Funny how Dianne Feinstein’s stock sales ahead of coronavirus meltdown aren’t getting same attention as GOP senators’ stock sales – IOTW Report

Funny how Dianne Feinstein’s stock sales ahead of coronavirus meltdown aren’t getting same attention as GOP senators’ stock sales

American Thinker – Corruption, as Peter Schweizer has repeatedly noted in his many books on the topic, is a bipartisan affair.

But not if you read the press.

According to the New York Times:

Senator Richard Burr Sold a Fortune in Stocks as G.O.P. Played Down Coronavirus Threat

After the sales in February, the North Carolina Republican warned a group that the virus could soon cause a major disruption in the United States. Three other senators also sold major holdings around the same time.

Funny how those other three weren’t seen as newsworthy enough to mention. Burr, of course, is powerful as chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee. But, ahem, so is Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Senate Democrat who brought us the #MeToo spectacle against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh until the whole thing fell apart as false, and she later admitted was a partisan maneuver. Between her husband (who manages her ‘blind’ trust investments, which don’t sound all that blind given that she presumably lives with the guy) and herself, she may have dumped as much as $6 million in Allogene stock, which is a cancer research company.

The stock reportedly rose after his sales, which might be exonerating, given that it wasn’t profit-taking, but it has since fallen, as this chart demonstrates, suggesting the reason for the sale might just have been inside knowledge of the coming the market downturn, same as the other three. MORE

18 Comments on Funny how Dianne Feinstein’s stock sales ahead of coronavirus meltdown aren’t getting same attention as GOP senators’ stock sales

  1. Her Chinese Communist driver/spy probably gave her a heads up on the need to sell before the ChiComvirus hit the stock market. Pity that Dan White missed his opportunity to save the country from this dishonest, sanctimonious Californicator.

  2. The Legislature exempted itself from “insider” trading penalties decades ago and this latest sop of attempting to criminalize “insider” selling was, assumedly, to redound only upon Republicans.
    I don’t understand how an investment “trust” is blind if a family member is executor – particularly a spouse – but then, maybe these marriages are contrived as among the Aristocracies in the Middle Ages – who knows?

    One thing is absolutely certain – Legislators will ALWAYS legislate for the benefit of their donors, sycophants, ass-suckers, hangers-on, their families, and themselves.

    I’m sure the other Legislators are “Tsk, Tsk”-ing at these four’s obvious blunder in timing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. …Democrats EXPECT and even DEMAND their pols be corrupt!

    …if they can’t steal for THEMSELVES, how can their constituents expect them to steal for THEM?

    …also, c’mon, its San Fagcisco. If it’s not up some other man’s ass, or involve forcing OTHER people to ACCEPT and ADMIRE their involvement with some other man’s ass, they don’t really care anyway…

  4. I too sold a bunch of stock right before the collapse. What did I know? Nothing. It was all a “feeling.” When Tesla doubled to sky high valuations that was my cue to dump. My dumbass put much of the same money back into the market, rebalancing my portfolio, luckily hanging onto about 30% cash.

    While it’s possible her husband had the same feeling, I doubt his foresight. It’s proveable he doesn’t have it, look who he married. Yeesh! He was instructed to not only sell, but to not get back in as well.

  5. Just trying to get the Senate back. DiFi can weather the storm, that’s why she was exposed as the balance to the GOPers. If the polling indicates that the GOPers are also weathering the scandal, they’ll pick out a couple more GOPers, maybe even Pierre Delecto. I predict a steady drop of GOP InSiDeR tRaDiNg bombshells as the economy tanks into depression. We are getting close to the shooting war, as more of us refuse sit in our cells to comply with economic suicide.

    America Did Not Kill Itself.

    Either it was murdered, or it fought back for its life. No other option.

  6. Do we need to revisit the traumatic butthurt about “American” “Thinker”?

    The reason for not whitewashing the Republican wrastlers’ perfidy, is because they’re job description is to stand there, hands out, simpering “Can’t we all get along?”.

    As long as they get paid, they hate those commies so hard, they’ll never stop them. Stop? No, stop them.

    But, if they lose a sinecure or two, they… occasionally… wrastle for reals. And Feinstein is beyond filthy. Feinstein makes a Wuhan wet market look like a NASA clean room.

    So, let’s “think”. And “give” (for a fee) the Democrats the “Everybody does it! What’cha gonna do about it?” “No. Seriously, loyal citizen. What. Are you. Going to do. About it?” stay out of jail on the throne “free” card. It’s the “American” way.

  7. Why is Feinstein even exposed at all?
    Because a lot of Democrats want her gone.
    – She’s not progressive enough
    – They can be 100% certain a Democrat will replace her.
    If we lose three Republican senators we lose majority, and lose the power to shape the judiciary.

  8. From a friend’s email this morning – Effective immediately, the American people should be NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY by press release whenever a US Senator has made a 1-day BUY or SELL of over $1 MILLION in stocks or bonds.
    …ESPECIALLY if said Senator holds committee membership / chair and has been privy to recent private briefing.

    I would add that any and all investment moves by any elected official, spouse, children and business associates (including real estate – especially real estate) should be published on line REAL TIME. Or better yet a day (24 hours) in advance. Any not so disclosed are forfeit to pay down the National debt.

  9. Frankly, if you’ve been in the market since the Dow was at 8000, this is regrettable, but not really damaging; it’s a paper loss that I suspect is going to be temporary.
    If you got in in the 20000’s, I certainly have sympathy for this abrupt loss.

  10. Schumer wants investigations!11! He says he doesn’t own stock.
    OK, then let’s investigate that, too.

    I do recall Pelosi doing some funny bidness with her stock in VISA right before TARP happened.
    Yes, let’s investigate!

    I bet they don’t.
    I know they won’t.

  11. As far as Feinstein, I say it’s only fair that she be treated like insider-trading Martha Stewart was treated; however, I am unable to find a single instance of a politician getting dinged for IT.
    Anyone else?


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