Why Italy got so damaged by the Chinese Virus – IOTW Report

Why Italy got so damaged by the Chinese Virus

Devin Nunes (R-CA) speaks to China expert Gordon Chang about how the Chinese Virus exploded, why it spread to Italy, and why they got hit with it so hard. Listen here.

President Trump was absolutely right to ban travel from China so early.
The Communist party mishandles everything that falls into their clutches.

18 Comments on Why Italy got so damaged by the Chinese Virus

  1. The Nazis may or may not have had concentration camps, but that doesn’t mean concentration camps will never be used.

    White people are the new Jews.

    Americans refusal to resist means that Americans will be sent to the gas chambers and ovens, be tortured, be subjected to medical experiments, and be made into lampshades. Tyranny always ends with evil.

  2. The Nazis may or may not have invaded Poland.

    I mean, it could just be a rumor. Seems like someone would have made a fuss about it if had actually happened.

  3. You know who absolutely ROCKED the toothbrush moustache? Adolf, that’s who. Yeah, okay, he may or may not have did some stuff, no one knows for sure, but DAYUM, that stache! Seig heil to the Austrian Stachemaster, baby!

  4. They stopped using the Silk Road to go see the Chinese to trade with them, and instead now bring the Chinese home to make stuff to trade.

    [ wth is up with all the Nazi crap chat? Ya got the country. The Nazis were Germans not Italians.]

  5. “May or may not..”
    One of the great decisions by Eisenhower was to send all combat photographers to these newly liberated (HYPTHETICAL!!!???) camps. That’s why there is very little footage of actual combat in the last few months of the war. The photos seen in documentaries and shows etc. are just a tip of the iceberg. Ike said that he wanted so much photographic evidence that no one could ever say it didn’t happen. He obviously underestimated some peoples’ agenda or stupidity.

  6. Schroedinger’s Concentration Camp. It may or may not exist, or it may both exist and not exist. Anyway, who needs an actual concentration camp when we have “shelter in place” orders and National Guard patrolling the streets to catch unpatriotic people.

  7. The responses to “free speech message board” gives me great hope!

    Back in 1940 – 1945 people were not stupid enough to mark themselves serial numbers.

  8. Said it before and I will say it Again:
    I have relatives in Italy.
    Italians are too lazy to work.
    This is the result.
    They got soft!

    A pot Luck dinner for 40,000 people! Fucking Stupid Bastards!

  9. Obviously, our new friend is a troll trying to make us look like ultra right wing maniacs

    BTW, its not only the first sentence thats grotesque. Every thing else is as well

    One thing I might agree with is that some people really are trying to turn us into degraded second citizens, and I think our new friend is one of them

  10. As long as we’re nazi bashing, i just want to get my two cents in.

    The communists murdered ten times as many people as the nazis. And the commies invaded Poland, too.

    If we’re going to let the left call us nazis and we’re going to call the left commies, then we need to state in no uncertain terms that the commies were worse than the nazis.

    If you disagree, do you really think that murdering 100 million people is not as bad as the nazis murdering 10 million?

    Anyone that says the nazis were worse because they hated people is an idiot. I suppose the commies loved the 100 million they murdered.


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