PA Turnpike Authority Reopens Closed Service Stations To Support Truckers – IOTW Report

PA Turnpike Authority Reopens Closed Service Stations To Support Truckers

Conservative Treehouse:

Math is math. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the math, understand the logistics of the current extreme demand, recognize that fixed assets are limited, and realize if you shut down essential services for truckers the total supply-chain will suffer.

On March 17th Pennsylvania officially shuttered all Turnpike service plazas in response to coronavirus concerns. However, the decision was ridiculously short-sighted as long-haul and regional Truckers depend on fuel stations, bathrooms and restaurants along the route. Thankfully PA officials realized their error and reopened the service stations yesterday. read more

9 Comments on PA Turnpike Authority Reopens Closed Service Stations To Support Truckers

  1. Didn’t this same moron close all the coal mines in his state? The left is hoping to make Trump look bad. But when the electricity goes off, everyone will know who’s to blame.

  2. Kind of like the stupidity of closing down the control towers at Las Vegas and Chicago airports, because air traffic has decreased. WTF? How about reducing staff, but keeping the facility open? Most commercial pilots aren’t familiar with VFR approach rules for uncontrolled airports. It’s like “they” want chaos.


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