Pentagon Says Possible Foreign Sources Trying to Panic Americans During Crisis – IOTW Report

Pentagon Says Possible Foreign Sources Trying to Panic Americans During Crisis

100% Fed Up: A top National Guard general refuted claims of martial law and a nationwide quarantine today as troops continue to get called up during the coronavirus crisis:

Chief of the National Guard Bureau General Joseph Lengyel tweeted to reassure Americans:

“I hear unfounded rumors about #NationalGuard troops supporting a nationwide quarantine. “Let me be clear: There has been no such discussion.”

Fox News reports:

Many people across the U.S. reported receiving text messages warning of martial law, prompting authorities to assure residents the messages were fake. U.S. defense officials have warned that foreign bad actors could use this uncertain time to plant bad rumors in order to panic the American public.

The National Guard released a statement confirming there have been 2,000 National Guard troops called to service in 23 states to support the COVID-19 response at the direction of their governors: MORE

20 Comments on Pentagon Says Possible Foreign Sources Trying to Panic Americans During Crisis

  1. Things would settle down some if during the next briefing on the virus if they used the shepherds hook on Fauci.
    His ego is unchecked and his statements are becoming confusing. Better to let him return to writing love letters to Hillary and STFU.

  2. Hello there, Gin. So we hear youse got some problem with our man Doctor Fah-OO-chi? Say, how would you and yer mouth like to wake up in the trunk of an about to be junked car on Lon-Gisland? Dat sound good to you, toots? We can arrange dat for ya.

  3. If the gov’t tells you to “voluntarily” close your business or that it’ll be boarded up at the point of a gun … ?


    70,000,000 people have been TOLD to stay home?
    Cuz of a flu?
    A flu which has killed fewer than 0.85% as the ordinary flu in the same period?

    We’ve lost our fucking minds.

    And we need the National Guard, while they occupy our cities and shut down all commerce (the Obola Plan), to tell us that there’s no martial law?

    Good to know. I’m all relieved, and shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Tim,

    People must be planning on doing a lot of target shooting.

    Because they aren’t using it for any other reason that I can see.

    Nor will they, outside of maybe a few crazies that will volunteer to get themselves killed for whatever reason they may have.

  5. The time we’ve been worried about may be here – all for a little bit of a cold that at least (see the cruise ship data) 86% of all people may be immune to and the other 13 % get a little sick and 1% die (just like the regular flu?).

    My tin foil hat is getting a little tarnished.

  6. “We’ll start hearing it soon.”

    Yep. No matter what he does it won’t matter, it is guaranteed to be “The Absolute Worst Thing Trump Could Possibly Have Done.”

  7. I still wonder why this killer virus that has us hunkering in our homes hasn’t decimated the filthy, overcrowded homeless communes. Very interesting point.
    They don’t need toilet paper.
    I guess the piles of filth and crap all over the homeless encampments in the biggest demoncRAT run cities, KILLS the coronavirus!!

  8. My sister and I were running errands yesterday (well, she was doing the running. I just drove her around [ditched the crutches for a cane, but still move a little slow]).

    We both took our laptops to Geek Squad and the store was pretty quiet for a Saturday. Then to Costco, which was a circus of people (so I stayed in the car).

    Home Depot and Lowe’s were busy, but not crazy. As I sat in the car, I watched what people were buying and noticed no big ticket items. I saw people getting paint, rakes, small amounts of dry wall and mudding material, etc. I think people are taking the time off work to do small jobs around the house. I don’t know why, but this encouraged me.

  9. We must start non-violent Civil Disobedience within the next week or so. This is so over the top and unconstitutional. I am surprised restaurant owners have not banded together and file mass class action lawsuits against the local, state, and federal governments to illegal restraint of trade.

    Give me Liberty or Give me Death!

  10. Claudia – It’s been that way in my neck of the woods. People are just going about things like nothing is going on. Me, I don’t give a damn about this flu and think it’s highly overblown. This morning, I was out running my errands, went to the vegetable stand, went fishing and did my grocery shopping and a lot of people are feeling the same’s overblown. Not one person in line is making a big deal about 6 ft of space. Except for one idiot, no one is wearing a mask or gloves and it’s been nice to get around town with less traffic.


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