Minnesota: Muslim Migrant Physician Pledges Allegiance to ISIS – IOTW Report

Minnesota: Muslim Migrant Physician Pledges Allegiance to ISIS

Jihad Watch: Muhammad Masood is a former research coordinator at the Mayo Clinic, and so he could have been spending his time trying to find a cure for coronavirus. Instead, however, he decided to direct his attention to matters that he thought would be more pleasing to Allah. He wrote: “i want to kill and get killed … and kill and get killed,” and now he has been arrested on a terrorism-related charge.

The Associated Press reported Thursday that Masood “made several statements to paid informants — whom he believed were members of the Islamic State group — pledging his allegiance to the group and its leader. He also allegedly expressed his desire to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS and a desire to carry out lone wolf attacks in the U.S.”

Masood at one point sent a message to one of these informants demonstrating his mastery of the spelling favored on messaging apps today and saying: “there is so much I wanted to do here .. .lon wulf stuff you know … but I realized I should be on the ground helping brothers sisters kids.”

In line with that determination, he “bought a plane ticket on Feb. 21 to travel from Chicago to Amman, Jordan, and then planned to go to Syria from there. He had planned to leave at the end of March. But on March 16, he had to change his travel plans because Jordan closed its borders due to the coronavirus pandemic. Masood and one of the informants then developed a plan for him to fly from Minneapolis to Los Angeles to meet with that informant, whom Masood believed would help him travel in a cargo ship into Islamic State territory.” more

13 Comments on Minnesota: Muslim Migrant Physician Pledges Allegiance to ISIS

  1. Twenty-five or so years a Muslim doctor was training as a cardiology fellow, bouncing back and forth between a couple of hospitals I serviced equipment in. A local newspaper ran a story about him and how important his Muslim faith was to him. I have no idea where he went after he completed his fellowship training. But I wouldn’t trust the sob where ever he is.

  2. “would help him travel in a cargo ship into Islamic State territory.”
    Well, we could have fulfilled part of his wish.
    Should have let him get on the cargo ship, then lose him overboard once the ship was out of sight of land.
    But nooooooooo, we have to be all “lawful”, and arrest this turdstain instead, where he will now clog, use up and waste a lot of money and resources as he wends his way through the two tier (in)”justice” system. Hopefully he will end up in a separate cell, or even better yet, Gitmo, but no guarantees. (damn!)

  3. It seems we can be pretty sure these boys work for the Anti-Christ.
    Their “savior” the Mahdi, climbs out of a well at the end
    of the world.
    That’s about all we need to know.

  4. Drop him off at the closest Syrian Embassy (wherever that is).

    Let them feed him and wash his shit stains until the virus clears and they can get a plane ticket for the filthy disloyal cocksucker!


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