EVIL AXIS: Sanders Skips Coronavirus Stimulus Vote for Campaign Event With Jihad-Reps Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC – IOTW Report

EVIL AXIS: Sanders Skips Coronavirus Stimulus Vote for Campaign Event With Jihad-Reps Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC

What happened to ‘Social Distancing’???

Geller Report: The enemy of America is my friend. And by his fruits shall know him. And so we know him.

WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders claims he’s too busy dealing with the coronavirus crisis to pull the plug on his ailing campaign — but when it came time to vote on a crucial, $1.8 trillion stimulus package Sunday night, the presidential wannabe was in Burlington, Vermont, holding a campaign event.

11 Comments on EVIL AXIS: Sanders Skips Coronavirus Stimulus Vote for Campaign Event With Jihad-Reps Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC

  1. Dang. He is over 65 (a lot), he has a heart condition, and he isn’t practicing social distancing (unless a reporter asks him why he missed the vote) – what could possibly go wrong?

    And how many people in the (tolerant) Democrat party are hoping it will?

  2. I’d be more worried over his personal hygiene if I was that close. It’s been reported his dandruff issue is world class. Then there’s the flying spittle everywhere….

  3. I really wish I had a crystal ball to see what the political situation will be this time next year since I probably won’t be here.

    Hopefully Trump will still be in the WH and the ‘squad’ will be back to bartending, terrorist fundraising, and inbreeding.

  4. There’s a few more (possibly) thinking people who will finally now see them for what they really are; self-important hacks with no thought beyond their personal agendas.
    Reprehensible “Representation”

  5. All to honor Islam’s role in combatting the spread of the virus, Im sure

    I mean, didnt Muslim virologists do their part by discovering a new vaccine? No, wait that was the country they want to wipe from the face of the Earth


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