Man Eats Fish Tank Cleaner and Dies – Media Blames Trump – IOTW Report

Man Eats Fish Tank Cleaner and Dies – Media Blames Trump

Dan Bongino: […] While some online have insensitively been quick to mock the couple for not knowing better, this is a tragic story nonetheless. But what it isn’t is an indictment of the Trump administration, who has simply said that chloroquine could end up being a viable treatment.

Yet even if Trump had explicitly recommended the drug (which he didn’t – and would require a doctor anyway), this would still be a non-story. The Federalist’s Sean Davis mocked the illogic here perfectly: MORE

27 Comments on Man Eats Fish Tank Cleaner and Dies – Media Blames Trump

  1. Kurt Vonnegut used the term “Yeast Shit” for alcohol.

    I am at least smart enough to know that I am drinking a 15 year old aged yeast shit from Scotland and not to chomping down on a recently deposited dog turd my neighbour has pretended was not left by his pet on my front yard.

    Medicine is from a pharmacy, tank cleaner is fron a hardware store.

  2. A quick search online would have told the woman it was not to be consumed because it was a disinfectant.
    Just like bleach is. And remember a week ago people were drinking bleach to fight chinavirus.

  3. Reports are stating Pelosi has shelved her pork laden bill and will now support the Senate bill. She must have caught some real hell from her constituents.

  4. You’d think that simply having the word “cleaner” in the name of the product, this Darwin Candidate would have thought twice.

    Bring back the Mr. Yuk stickers from the 70’s.

  5. They do actually have a fish treatment that is chloroquine for fish not the tank and if they had this type, she probably could have gotten away with it if she had properly dosed it,. However, she said she put a tsp in each drink, a tsp equals 4.2 grams. The fatal dosage of chloroquine is 2 grams. Most dosages of hydrochloroquine is either 400 mg or 600 mg. Just about everyone who I’ve talked to who takes it for arthritis says theirs is 400 mg. So that would be like blaming the doctor for someone taking 10 pills at once and killing themselves.

    Someone this dumb though probably had the actual tank cleaner and not the fish treatment. Instead of taking the blame herself for killing her husband and almost killing herself, she blames the President.

  6. To take a break from all this Chinese Virus stuff, Trump heads over to the National Zoo. While gazing at the majestic lions, some idiot runs up to the fence and the lion grabs him through it. Trump manages to pull the guy to safety after a heroic battle of tug-o-war. The next days headline reads:

    Trump Steals African- American’s Lunch

  7. Of course they blame Trump. That’s extremely old, Fake News.

    What they’ll never admit to is their hair afire, stark-raving-mad reporting of this situation that has people shooting each other over toilet paper and seeking home remedies like bleach and pool cleaner.

    (Don’t you think someone who owns a pool/hot tub would be at least smart enough or at least curious enough about the differences between a disinfectant for pools to look into it? What the heck happened to common sense? It probably states right on the container, “Harmful or fatal if taken internally. If accidentally ingested, contact your doctor or poison control immediately.”)

  8. Trump has proven to be a pretty talented fellow, but he has never claimed to be a doctor. And one aspect of Trump’s job is to be a leader and inform the public of good news in order to boost overall confidence. This is what he did.

    Our so-called news media, on the other hand, went from “coronavirus? It’s nothing” a few weeks ago (coincidentally when Trump was taking steps to contain the outbreak) to “we need to completely wreck the world economy before we all die” in a matter of days (coincidentally when Trump is trying to boost morale with some positive news). And once in a while the news media will take a break from their fear-mongering to wondering why most Americans think they are lying fools.

  9. Burl Ives – I Know An Old Lady

    I know an old lady
    She swallowed a fly
    But I don’t know why
    She swallow the fly
    – I guess she’ll die
    I know an old lady
    Who swallow a spider
    It wiggled and jiggled
    And tickled inside her
    She swallowed a spider
    To catch the fly
    But I don’t know why
    She swallowed the fly
    – I guess she’ll die
    I know and old lady
    Who swallowed a bird
    Isn’t that ubsurd
    To swallow a bird?
    She swallowed the bird
    To catch the spider
    Who wiggled and jiggled
    And tickled inside her
    She swallowed the spider
    To catch the fly
    But I don’t know why
    She swallowed a fly
    – I guess she’ll die
    I know and old lady
    Who swallowed a cat
    Just imagine that
    She swallowed a cat
    She swallowed the cat
    To catch the bird
    She swallowed the bird
    To catch the spider
    Who wiggled and jiggled
    And tickled inside her
    And she…

  10. Yeah….. that stuff needs high voltage to be effective. He’d probably still be alive if he had plugged in a naked wire wrapped around his wrist while standing in a bucket of water.

  11. People do the damnedest things. I had a girlfriend who went to warm herself and the bed up with a blow dryer and promptly fell asleep… Burned her house pert near to the waterline and damn near kicked her own bucket.

  12. What is the difference between ethylene glycol and polyethylene glycol?

    One cools your radiator but kills you if you drink it, one helps you poop if you drink it but kills your radiator.

  13. I can still go on telling my neighbors that ‘inflammable’ means you can try to light it on fire but it wont ignite……right?

    I mean I’m not asking for permission….. just letting you all know I’m doing my level best to thin out this here gene pool.

  14. Unless Trump went to this guy’s house, wrestled him to the ground, forced his mouth open, then poured this caustic chemical down his throat, you cannot say Trump made him drink it.
    He did it of his own free will.


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