House Dem Admits They Block Legislation Because ‘We Don’t Want to Give the President a Win’ – IOTW Report

House Dem Admits They Block Legislation Because ‘We Don’t Want to Give the President a Win’

WFB: Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D., N.J.) expressed frustration with her Democratic colleagues at a recent town hall, admitting they block legislation because they “don’t want to give the president a win.”

Speaking at a Livingston, New Jersey, town hall on Thursday, Sherrill revealed the “shockingly different mindset” of congressional Democrats who prioritize resisting President Donald Trump over passing legislation that could help their constituents.

“When I go, you know, I’ve gone up to people and said, ‘I need to get this piece of legislation passed,’ and they say ‘Oh yeah, we just passed it,'” Sherrill said. “I said, ‘Yeah, we just passed it. I need the Senate to pass it and I need the president to sign it,’ and they said ‘Well, we don’t want to give the president a win.'” more

24 Comments on House Dem Admits They Block Legislation Because ‘We Don’t Want to Give the President a Win’

  1. What a selfish skank cunt. here is a novel idea to her constituents, vote her out of office so she never gets a win in the house lottery again to suck off the US tit trough.

  2. Let’s be honest. This is from democRATs who don’t want AMERICANS to win! We’ve seen this over and over again, especially at the last State Of The Union address! Make no mistake about it, democRATs simply don’t care if they crash the economy in their relentless, reckless, desperate pursuit of a win believing that anything that make President Trump look bad works in their favor.

    While we’re at it, let’s also not forget that these are federal tit-sucking parasites who will never miss a paycheck! They’re not hurting and THEY DON’T CARE!!
    Now THAT’S whutcha call disconnected from reality!!
    Fuck these Assholes!! Un-Elect every damn one of them in November!

  3. @the dolfer – Thank you!
    BTW, I would also point out that as far back as 2018 and even last year we witnessed first hand Democratic leaders and their “unbiased” Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media openly rooting for a recession! It was so bad even Rep. John Delaney (D) chastised his own party for cheerleading for a financial collapse!
    Does anybody think that’s changed???
    Does anyone think that’s the American way???
    Oh Hell No!
    DemocRATs are elated at the financial misery that this reaction to a virus has brought about! To them a financial collapse is a windfall!

  4. @Hardy

    The article did say this: “[she] expressed frustration with her Democratic colleagues at a recent town hall, admitting they block legislation because they “don’t want to give the president a win.”

    It sounds to me like she is unhappy with the way her democrat colleagues will do anything to hurt Trump.

  5. She’s telling us something we already knew but I’m glad she informed her constituents. As far as her own party is concerned, after that blatant honesty they’ll render her completely ineffective.

  6. Every body in the house that signed the Impeschment order without evidence or crime, should be arrested and tried for treason. Then hung if convicted.
    During his next term the president should sue the dimwits for 5 Trillion dollars for what they put him through.

  7. I feel sorry for and am in awe of President Donald John Trump. Old Iron Balls didn’t need to take the job in the first place and hasn’t drawn a penny of salary.

    What a selfless patriot.

    And half of the country want him dead in a ditch.

    This dude has put up with lies, attacks, smears, character assassination by the sniveling, scheming socialists non stop.

    If these miserable assholes, who are trying to use our current situation to steal the next election, with vote harvesting and same day registration, they are about to be taught a lesson they will never forget.

    We have had our lives radically altered, lives lost, jobs lost, retirement income lost and the democrats celebrate.

    If you think we’re fucking around….

    Fill in the blanks.

  8. @PHenry – I salute you sir, that was excellent.

    The ONLY upside of this I am spending time with my crew, (my wife and two sons).

    They are learning how to hang sheetrock, tape and paint!

    Our ship has been forced into ‘port’, due to a ‘looming storm’. We are taking advantage of some needed preparatory maintenance work, moving forward, like many others.

  9. OldRedneck @

    Time for me to read that book again!
    (Atlas shrugged by Ayn Rand) for the few who don’t know.

    So this New Jersey Elite would rather that every ones personal finances, jobs and futures are further damaged than to let Donald Trump have another victory.
    Donald Trump has plenty of resources and money personally.
    It is the common people who need the money flowing and jobs.

    I suggest that all SENATOR & HOUSE REPS pay on BOTH SIDES be HELD BACH & REDUCED in support of the very people that they so poorly represent.

    Cut of HER money supply!

  10. Paul Henry @ Great way to sum it up!

    IRON BALLS is a cool name but his are tougher!

    I am thinking TUNGSTEN or PLATINUM BALLS

    Stronger and more rare!


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