Dr. Fauci to Media: Stop Trying to Pit Me Against Trump – IOTW Report

Dr. Fauci to Media: Stop Trying to Pit Me Against Trump

Dan Bongino.com: The media has been trying their hardest to create a rift between President Donald Trump and Dr. Fauci, because even during a global pandemic no anti-Trump clickbait is beneath them.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci is losing patience with President Donald Trump — and the feeling may be mutual” opened one article at the New York Daily News. “The nation’s top pandemic doctor expressed growing frustration with Trump’s handling of the crisis, which has included equal doses of false claims and unfounded rosy predictions” they continued.

“Task force health expert contradicts Trump about coronavirus vaccine timing” headlined a CNN article. In the article we learn that Trump said a vaccine could take between a couple of months and a year to develop, while Fauci clarified that while the vaccine could be made within that time-frame, but it wouldn’t be then immediately deployable. That’s the contradiction.

Meanwhile the Business Insider “reported” that the animosity is growing in both directions, and that Trump is “reportedly” frustrated with Dr. Fauci’s “blunt approach” during press conferences.

Everyone quoted above isn’t reporting the news. They’re writing fan fiction.

In reality, there’s a greater rift between Dr. Fauci and the media than there is between him and Trump. During a recent interview, Fauci said:

5 Comments on Dr. Fauci to Media: Stop Trying to Pit Me Against Trump

  1. Nobody will ever see Dr. Fauci on TV again. Even when he appears at WH briefings, all the butthurt,betrayed media will cut away to whatever Dr. WHO is saying, or else lose their satellite feeds.

  2. Hey Dr. Douchenozzle, stop giving the God Emperor bad advice and quit smirking behind his back and maybe your buddies in the media wouldn’t have the ammo to pit you against DJT.

  3. Dr. Swampy Deep State is trying to retract the unretractable. The man’s mouth is always open and his mind is always closed. He’s attempting to restore his place at the podium next to the First Team. Doesn’t matter. He’s always going to be on the Clinton Love Boat as far as I’m concerned.

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