Nevada Governor Signs Emergency Order Banning Prescriptions of Hydroxychloroquine For Treatment of Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Nevada Governor Signs Emergency Order Banning Prescriptions of Hydroxychloroquine For Treatment of Coronavirus

Conservative Treehouse: This is almost unbelievable, if it wasn’t for the fact the governor is a democrat.  Hopefully voters are paying close attention to this stuff and will remember in November.  All of these authoritarian tendencies are being triggered by the opportunity known as COVID-19

The DEMOCRAT governor of Nevada has signed an executive order banning the use of hydroxychloroquine as a medical treatment for those suffering from the coronavirus.

LAS VEGAS — Nevada’s governor has signed an emergency order barring the use of anti-malaria drugs for someone who has the coronavirus.

Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak’s order Tuesday restricting chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine comes after President Donald Trump touted the medication as a treatment for the virus. (read more)

This level of severe Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) will immediately open a black-market for people to travel across state lines to obtain their medical needs.  Great job idiot. MORE


34 Comments on Nevada Governor Signs Emergency Order Banning Prescriptions of Hydroxychloroquine For Treatment of Coronavirus

  1. Sisolak is dying (pardon the pun) to turn Sin City into SARS City so his little burg can be in the news for a few hours before the rising of the sun can expose his falsehoods. “Oh, God, we knew it would be hard, but look at the lives we saved!”
    Bullshit. By destroying the economy you are only delaying the inevitability of some of us dying of ChineseVirus(tm).
    Gov, you best meet my gov, Mike dewinestain.

  2. During the MeToo extravaganza, his ex-wife came out and showed photos of her bruised neck and a police complaint accusing this fat turd of assault. Their teen daughters went to live with daddy and denied everything their mother said about govdaddy. I don’t know for sure if he is a wife beater, but maybe his new wife could tell us when he stopped beating her.

    So much for ‘believe all women’, huh?

  3. Reminds me of a cartoon I saw long ago;

    Tracks of a man crawling from the vast desert leading to a house with a swimming pool.
    The thirsty man is about to refresh himself with the pool water when the home owner, casually relaxing in a chaise lounge says: I wouldn’t drink that if I were you, it has chlorine in it.

  4. 1. They used malaria drugs for the other ‘pandemics’.
    2. No doctor is handing out these pills just for kicks. The person must test positive for kung flu AND displaying hideous symptoms.
    3. This is short term. As long as they’re prescribing and or using the donated meds, for the actually sick patients, there could be no shortage. Every Rx is recorded and can be verified. It doesn’t just leave the dr.’s office with the patient, never to be seen again.

    Wife beating POS.

  5. Brad, I understand what you’re saying but with the exception of the rural and frontier counties, northern Nevada is Reno and it’s full of Democrats from California now. If this doesn’t make people wake up and sign that recall petition, I don’t know what will.

  6. How can ANY government official order the stoppage of any medicine that already has FDA approval and is prescribed by a doctor?

    Were I a doctor in Nevada and I felt my patient needed this drug to survive, I would write the prescription and obtain the medicine myself to hand directly to the patient and dare the Governor to come arrest me! And be sure to have media – local and national – on hand if/when he arrives to slap on the cuffs!

  7. Democrats don’t handle pandemics, or anything else for that matter, very well. A democrats perspective has each of them being the center of their own little universe.

  8. I do not wish this virus (or any affliction) on anyone but if he or his loved one contracted the virus and became seriously ill, do you honestly think he would refuse the medication?


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