Those plucky soldiers ‘on the front lines’ – IOTW Report

Those plucky soldiers ‘on the front lines’

Patriot Retort: Isn’t it ironic that the news media’s on-air personalities are always the ones who brag about how journalists are on the front lines of every battle? From World War Two to Vietnam to the Wuhan Virus, those plucky little soldiers on cable news can’t wait to lecture you about how crucial they are.

Like S.E. Cupp.  Because nothing says “I’m on the front lines” quite like logging on to Twitter from the safety and comfort of your home.

15 Comments on Those plucky soldiers ‘on the front lines’

  1. “S.E. isn’t a journalist. She’s an on-air personality whose entire CNN career was made possible because she’s a putative “conservative” who hates Trump.”

    I thought it was because she had nice boobs.

  2. I can tell you Cupp doesn’t sit lady like while wearing a short skirt in a restaurant.

    I almost put out a trap to harvest that pelt. It was in plain sight. That’s why i ordered dessert. I needed to linger.

    I apologize for that recounting.

  3. typical journalist
    her opinions change depending on who’s picking up the check

    she doesn’t believe half of what she says
    but she will act like she does since her paycheck depends on it

    now that we know she’s a whore, all that’s left is to haggle over the price

  4. Did you see that these pieces of shit substituted footage of a packed hospital in Italy in a story about New York??

    Man, the lying and propaganda – and sedition – never ends.

    Boycott the democrat media, netflix, etc – COMPLETELY.

  5. Just got off the phone with a friend that works at a coal power plant. All employees there are deemed “essential”. Each day they must fill out a form saying they have not left the county nor had contact with other people who might be possible carriers of the virus. So, EVIL DIRTY COAL provides the power for the hospitals that are fighting the virus. You won’t hear THAT from the msm.

  6. Yeah, they’re on the “front lines” all right – there’s a story of Ted Koppel (may be apocryphal – but I met a guy who said it was true) that during a MedEvac in Vietnam, Koppel got on the helicopter (taking a wounded guy’s place) and refused to leave until threatened with deadly force and physically thrown out.
    Then you got Gerry Rivers barking out “Tora Bora!” while embedded (common mistake among those who babble for a living).
    Sherman had a few choice words for them, as did Lee.

    We’re not anti-Media – we’re anti-bullshit – there’s a difference (or should be) – any news other than straight, unadorned, and absolutely factual, isn’t news, but “news.”

    “The lady doth protest too much, methinks …”

    izlamo delenda est …

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