NCMI Director Counters ABC Story Claiming November Intelligence Document Laid Out Coronavirus Concerns – IOTW Report

NCMI Director Counters ABC Story Claiming November Intelligence Document Laid Out Coronavirus Concerns

Fakers gonna fake.


Dr. R. Shane Day, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency’s National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI), issued a statement on Wednesday countering ABC News’ claim that his agency laid out coronavirus concerns in a November intelligence report.

The report, released by ABC News Wednesday morning, claimed: “U.S. intelligence officials were warning that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and business and posing a threat to the population, according to four sources briefed on the secret reporting.”

“Two officials familiar with the document’s contents” reportedly told ABC that those concerns “were detailed in a November intelligence report by the military’s National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI).” more here

9 Comments on NCMI Director Counters ABC Story Claiming November Intelligence Document Laid Out Coronavirus Concerns

  1. AA, that was me. I predict Trump will want to release the transcript, but this time the Deep State IC is working like hell to make sure that won’t happen and Schiff will be able to make up his own transcript without factual rebuttal. Six ways to Sunday, right, Schumer? Here we go again. These cockroaches never take a break for anything.

  2. Sounds like there’s still plenty of the Brown Clown’s traitors in our intelligence organizations. Time to fire anyone hired during the 8 years of Bathhouse Barry’s infection of the White House.

  3. “The report, released by ABC News Wednesday morning, claimed…”

    Journo, journo, journo…let me fix this for you:

    “The story, released by ABC News Wednesday morning, claimed that the report said…”

    Do you see the difference? Nobody has seen the intelligence report. All we have seen is a story speculating about the particulars of an intelligence report. We don’t even know if there is actual documentation of the intelligence meeting upon which the story is based. IC Deepers don’t like to have physical records to put the lie to their frame jobs.

  4. I’m not sure who to believe in this instance. I want to believe ABC, but I’m not sure they have the whole story. I’m going to wait and see if Mourning Joe runs with it. Then I’ll know it’s another piece of work from the Ministry of Propaganda. This is all designed to distract people from the fact that a mentally incompetent man is now the standard bearer of the Dementiacrat Party. Look over here! Trump allowed the ChiChomvirus to invade Manhattan!

  5. I actually believe that the Intelligence Agency may have had some knowledge of the (CCP produced) virus in November. HOWEVER, assuming they did, that would have been raw data, which would require a lot of verification and authentication before releasing it to the POTUS.

    They would not – and did not – give that information to Trump until after it was verified, and/or the first case in America became known to health officials. This was sometime in January – when in January is not clear, but regardless if it was the 1st or the 30th, his action to shut down air travel from China on the 31st was swift, decisive and spot-on correct.

    The corrupt Washington political and media machine are grasping at straws, doing anything they can to create a false narrative, to keep Trump from exposing their crimes against America. And Trump is KICKING their ass at every turn!


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