Barr says evidence from Durham investigation is ‘far more troubling’ than mistakes or sloppiness – IOTW Report

Barr says evidence from Durham investigation is ‘far more troubling’ than mistakes or sloppiness

WaEx: Attorney General William Barr shed new light on U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review of the Russia investigation.

He told Fox News host Laura Ingraham that Connecticut’s top federal prosecutor is unearthing troubling evidence and vowed prosecutions if laws were broken and a case can be made.

“My own view is that the evidence shows that we’re not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness. There is something far more troubling here, and we’re going to get to the bottom of it. And if people broke the law, and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted,” Barr said in the segment of the interview that aired Thursday evening.

Durham was appointed last year by Barr to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation and to review possible misconduct by federal law enforcement and intelligence officials. The review upgraded into a criminal investigation in the fall, giving the prosecutor the power to impanel a grand jury and hand down indictments. The attorney general told Durham to focus just as much on the time period after the 2016 election as before it. more

22 Comments on Barr says evidence from Durham investigation is ‘far more troubling’ than mistakes or sloppiness

  1. “…unearthing troubling evidence and vowed prosecutions if laws were broken and a case can be made.” Citizen investigative journalists laid this all out for you years ago. Laws broken? For crying out loud.

  2. Mr. Barr,
    Why don’t you get off your fat ass and prosecute Democrats who try to impeach the president with no evidence.
    You do photo apps and very little else of any value.

  3. A few more troubling words, a few more serious sounding whimpers and then it will end and a coup attempt or three goes unpunished . The democrats smell blood now and will be meaner next time and will seize control forever.

  4. Sounds there will be numerous sternly worded memos going out. How embarrassing for the recipients. How do you explain it to your wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend? Many co-conspirators will need multiple explanations for their WGHB’s.

  5. “[V]owed prosecutions if laws were broken and a case can be made.”

    You know who can solve this dilemma? A “reasonable” prosecutor. If only we could know what a “reasonable” prosecutor would do.

    Hey! Does Jim Comey still have his secret decoder ring? Maybe we could hire him to tell us what a “reasonable” prosecutor would do!

  6. Last fall the AG said it would be about May when Durham would have completed his investigation. I understand if you’re going to indict a Brennan or Comey or any of the top scumbags, you need to have a lip lock case.

    OK fine, it’s almost May.

    One thing is for certain, John Durham ain’t no one to fuck with. He’s nailed Deep State actors before. If they haven’t been indicted, it’s not his fault. Proof was presented that sent a couple FBI agents to prison in the Bugler case and Mueller should have joined them, don’t blame Durham.

    And have you noticed there has absolutely not one thing leaked from his team? You think that’s just a coinky-dence?

    We shall see if this two tired justice system gets an ass kicking or not. All it’s gonna take is one of these higher ups to roll.

  7. President Trump has bad luck selecting Attorneys General…
    The old fart we have now, Bill Barr has been as hardworking as Jeff Sessions;
    With a rating on a scale of 1-100, Old Jeff gets a solid 9%,
    Will somebody else {Don Jr] pick a hard charging AG, PLEASE!!!

  8. The corruption is entrenched, large & heavy giving it a lot of inertia. Difficult to move it out. Even with great effort & good strategy. I try to be patient about the time needed for collecting solid evidence proving the corruption. But then think – it won’t go anywhere like other recent issues with solid evidence of wrong doing, but no charges filed because they know the odds of D. C. courts convicting them is very low. Often times the bad guys get away with it in this life.


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