New California antibody study could point to possible herd immunity to COVID-19 – IOTW Report

New California antibody study could point to possible herd immunity to COVID-19


MONTEREY, Calif. —

Update: This article has been updated to clarify several points. Victor Davis Hanson is not connected to the Stanford study and the study is not looking at when the coronavirus arrived in California.

Researchers at Stanford Medicine are working to find out what proportion of Californians have already had COVID-19. The new study could help policymakers make more informed decisions during the coronavirus pandemic.

The team tested 3,200 people at three Bay Area locations on Saturday using an antibody test for COVID-19 and expect to release results in the coming weeks. The data could help to prove another theory, one that believes COVID-19 arrived undetected in California much earlier than previously thought.

According to Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow with Stanford’s Hoover Institute, the hypothesis that COVID-19 first started spreading in California in the fall of 2019 is one explanation for the state’s lower than expected case numbers.

Hanson is not affiliated with the study.

As of Tuesday, the state had 374 reported COVID-19 fatalities in a state of 40 million people, compared to New York which has seen 14 times as many fatalities and has a population half that of California. Social distancing could be playing a role but New York’s stay-at-home order went into effect on March 22, three days after California implemented its order.

“Something is going on that we haven’t quite found out yet,” said Hanson.

Hanson said he thinks it is possible COVID-19 has been spreading among Californians since the fall when doctors reported an early flu season in the state. During that same time, travel between China and America was unfettered. Some of those visitors even arriving on direct flights from Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in China.

“When you add it all up it would be naïve to think that California did not have some exposure,” said Hanson. read more

15 Comments on New California antibody study could point to possible herd immunity to COVID-19

  1. “Something is going on that we haven’t quite found out yet,” said Hanson.

    It’s called “BULLSHIT” Dave. I’m surprised at you given how easy it is to spot.

  2. It’s been in WA state for awhile too. If it weren’t for those sad nursing home stories our death rate would be much lower and we wouldn’t have been a hot spot even.

    I don’t know what to think. All those beds at CenturyLink Stadium went unused. Same thing at Angel of the Winds arena-3 beds out of 150! Those 3 were then found regular hospital beds elsewhere.

    I’ve been in flu mode since September. I social distance as a way of life especially during the cold/flu season.

    The models are crazy wrong. It’s not like a weather forecast where it’s sunny when it was predicted to be cloudy. My 401k doesn’t collapse with that bad model. How can thinking people trust these scientists ever again?

    Sorry…a bit of a rant there.

  3. I was sure the article would also include info about the 2019 Wuhan Military Games that were held in mid-October. Many of the U.S. competitors came and went through SeaTac airport, and probably also to other west coast cities. As it was an international competition in which all the athletes were registered by name and where they came from, it seems as though it would be easy enough to track down outbreaks in the U.S. and around the world following their return home, wouldn’t it?

  4. When you look at the (under-reported) rate of mortality of this WuFlu, it is apparent to me that the alarms were sounded too loud and too early. The so-called experts had no idea what they were dealing with when they sounded the “Katie bar the door” alarms, which tells me that there were outside (CCP propaganda and other financial money) interests that were driving the whole “shut down the economy” response.

  5. @Different Tim, from the very beginning there were several doctors who were saying just that and the wrong thing to do was to lock everything down because when it came back in the fall it would be worse. They were drowned out though by everyone else, some of them were also in the same group that first started saying ventilators were the wrong treatment for patients and would kill more than they saved because the lungs were functioning fine. Again they were ignored and now it’s actually making it to the msm, but still ignored by the government doctors.

    I still say we had it before it was supposed to be here, but I won’t be getting an antibody test now like I thought I would after Nazi Fauci is floating around we need papers proving we have antibodies or get a vaccine.

  6. Pushing for a vaccine against a flu. A weird flu. Is this one different because it’s a bio weapon?

    I get a flu shot every year and my dr told me this year the shot was 36% effective. I just don’t trust anything Fauci/Birx/Gates say day to day. A magical shot that saves the world. Sure. Let’s see them get it first on national TV.

  7. I’m pretty sure the kung flu came into MO in late Sept from AR. I probably gave it to my parents even though when I visited them I had been free of symptoms for a few weeks.

    But who the hell knows? We were sick as shit… not in the bed sick as shit… but achy, and coughy, and muddle-headed without much expectoration.

  8. When they develop those antibody tests enough for widespread distribution it will be interesting to see just how much of the people have had it so far.

    Either had it and never even knew it or had it, blamed it on something else since it wasn’t all that bad (like a severe cold or the regular flu), recovered from it and went about their regular lives.

    Might be interesting to see when they had it as well, if it was before China’s outbreak maybe it started here and we gave it to China (isn’t that be an interesting thing to think about).

    In any event, there’s far more going on with this than the virus, and ain’t nobody talkin bout it.

  9. mickey moussaoui; Your Epoch item was interesting & frightening and I recommend everyone to view it. Thanks for posting the link. I have a feeling that we are far from out of the woods on this, and many seem to be putting their guard down…don’t

  10. During my career in clinical biochemistry (36 1/2 years), I did similar testing for other diseases as what is finally going on with CoVid-19. I believe ramped up testing for the antibody will show that there’s a huge number of people out there (myself included) that have had little or no symptoms of this virus and are immune, hence herd immunity is a valid approach to be followed. I’m very disappointed in Trump’s dismissal of herd immunity from a news clip I saw last night on Fox. Seems like the wrong people (can you say Fauci and Birx?) have gotten to him.

  11. The Epoch Times is a good source of information on what Communist China is up to. They report what the media ignores. China is not our friend, they are the Democrats friend. It’s a relationship built on greed.


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