Anemic Young Man Tweets: “If Biden is serious about winning he needs to accuse Trump of willingness to kill people” – IOTW Report

Anemic Young Man Tweets: “If Biden is serious about winning he needs to accuse Trump of willingness to kill people”

100%Fed Up -A Washington Post “conservative” opinion writer and MSNBC contributor Jennifer Rubin tweeted out the most disgusting thing about how Joe Biden can win the presidency. Vile comments aren’t unusual for Rubin, who detests President Trump and never hides it. She claims to be a “conservative”? How’s that? The outrage on Twitter against Rubin’s comment was huge with most telling her she’s crossed the line:

“You have crossed over from blind partisan hack to dangerously unhinged. This is embarrassing.” MORE HERE

SNIP: Oh snap, that’s a woman???

17 Comments on Anemic Young Man Tweets: “If Biden is serious about winning he needs to accuse Trump of willingness to kill people”

  1. Rubin either believes President Trump is indeed willing to kill people, or she is telling Joey that he needs to lie. I don’t think even she thinks that Joey is capable of lying convincingly, so it must be the former.

    OK, JR, you say President Trump is willing to kill people. Prove it. Personally.

  2. Leftists, and their growing Antifa street enforcers will not hesitate to kill all of their opposition if they have the chance (death panels, socialized medicine) or encourage others to do it, or stand around and say nothing when it happens.

    “Why didn’t anyone stop Hitler!?” Because they didn’t want to. He was exterminating his enemies, and they were happy he was getting his hands dirty and they weren’t.

    All social-commies have this mentality, they will lay in wait, and if you expose yourself, they will seek revenge.

    Gotta secede from these homicidal maniacs.

  3. @Cliche Guevara April 10, 2020 at 11:35 pm

    > Jennifer Rubin. It’s not every day you find a woman with the haunting sensuality of a slightly younger Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

    Not even every century.

    (I GOTTA get out more.)

  4. If the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times didn’t keep telling you which of their contributors were “conservatives” or “Republicans”, you would never figure that out on your own.

    Imagine the world where Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, Jennifer Rubin, Ana Navarro and David Brooks are the leading lights of the Right and have some influence over public policies.

    Excusez mon francais, but fuck them.

  5. When you got nuthin you attack.
    Some of us have had arguments with strange people who tremble and shake, start to drool and spittle when they talk, ball up their hands into fists, get all red-faced when confronted with a fact they don’t want to acknowledge, and then lash out like spastic fools? Well, some do it in writing. I’m fairly certain Rubin isn’t a fool, but she does seem to be at the end of her intellectual tether. She knows that Joey’s just a step up from paramecium in intellectual acumen and is a renowned groper and corrupt-o-crat, but she has to write SOMETHING her masters can use! The whole fake news media is maintaining the pretense that Joey is minimally competent and bending over backwards to promote that fiction. I think most Americans can see through it, and I think most of the fake media see that we see through it, and are terrified that the future of their phony philosophy (and their bid for absolute power) hangs on the maunderings of a retard.

    So, cut her some slack – she’s bound herself to a stinking, sinking garbage scow and has to row along with the others.

    izlamo delenda est …


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