A powerful personal hydroxychloroquine testimony – IOTW Report

A powerful personal hydroxychloroquine testimony

American Thinker:

Below is the powerful personal testimony of one of the few people in northeast Georgia who have contracted the Wuhan virus.  According to James Harper, from White County, Georgia, his wife Emily (shown below) started showing symptoms of the Wuhan virus last Saturday (April 4).  According to Mr. Harper: 

Back on March 16, President Trump said he had been told Hydroxycloroquinine (sic), which was developed to fight malaria, could be used to fight the virus. He said he was having it looked into so it could be used for that. Almost on immediately, CNN and other lame stream news outlets said he was wanting to use a ‘snake oil,’ which would not work. One Democrat Governor threatened to pull the medical licenses of any doctor who prescribed it for anything other than malaria in her state. 
A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine saw an interview on TV with a man who had been saved by Hydroxychloroqinine (sic). He was at the point of death and his family asked his doctor about the medicine. The doctor told them he could only administer it if they requested it and signed a waiver because it wasn’t ‘approved’ by the FDA for anything but malaria. Four hours later the man was sitting up in bed talking to his family and three days later he walked out of the hospital.

Mr. Harper goes on to say that his wife did test positive for the Wuhan virus, and thanks to hydroxychloroquine and President Trump’s promotion of the drug, he got to bring his wife home from the hospital yesterday.  Just days ago, the state of Georgia received a huge donation of 200,000 doses of hydroxychloroquine from Amneal Pharmaceuticals.   Also recall that when our (Georgia’s) media reported on the story of the donation, they were very critical of the drug and its prospects.  As Mr. Harper might put it, the “lame stream news” was at it again. more

19 Comments on A powerful personal hydroxychloroquine testimony

  1. FTA: The article goes on to say Georgia’s “top health official has cast doubt about the efficacy of the drug to combat COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.”

    Wait. Now I’m confused. I thought they were one and the same.

  2. There are 7 cases in my county. 7. No deaths. Same in hundreds of other counties but we are locked up like we have rabies. Hmmmm. I wonder how many people have rabies?

  3. Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

    We await your very public declaration that hydroxychloroquine saved your life (THANK GOD!) and then PRESIDENT Trump’s big 🖕🤣🖕to all the hydroxychloroquine haters!

  4. The left wingers would rather have people die and embarrass Trump rather than have them live and make Trump look good.

    -And you want these people involved in socialize medicine?

  5. This virus has granted power to those who otherwise wouldn’t have it. They’re basking in their own glory and authority and it will be difficult to wrest it away from them.

  6. Another anecdote. Where is the control group? What is the 95% confidence interval? This person might have felt better in 4 hours by drinking a glass of plain water. No, we gotta stay locked down until Dr Fauci releases us after the votes have been counted in November.

  7. @Brown Eyed Girl –
    “…to combat COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.”

    Wait. Now I’m confused. I thought they were one and the same…”

    You’re right they are. Coronavirus is a classification of viruses that affect the respiratory system in humans – SARS and MERS were examples of a coronavirus. COVID-19 is just a name for another strain of coronavirus. It stands for the coronavirus disease that was discovered in 2019.

    So yes, they are one in the same.

  8. Screw the media. Ask your Democrat representative (if you have one) what their position is regarding Hydroxychloroquine. Get them on record with their media-approved “NO”, so that when everybody is getting well, and HCQ is being hailed as a miracle, the Dem can be asked why she wanted to withhold lifesaving medicine from people.

    Get them on record now, because in a month or two, Pelosi will have them voting “YES” on HCQ spending. so the Dems can pretend they always wanted HCQ.

  9. Haven’t read of a single death where this drug was used. Given that the msm would happily blame Trump for the death, I find that curious. I wonder what the stats are.

  10. These deniers of this drug and its co components are the same mental midgets that fight for the use of govt funds to murder millions of babies thru “Planned Parenthood” as a woman’s heath right issue. Since when is murder a human right? Makes me want to puke and slap every libtard upside the head with a Louisville Slugger.

  11. honestly… Thank God, for President Trump! He is a man of common sense who is guided by his love for America and its people. I shudder to think what would happen to us under Obama.

  12. A 24 y.o. young man passed away yesterday at a hospital 35 mikes s. west from where I live. His death attributed to coronavirus. It’s not been reported if he was given the malaria drug or whether he had other previous health problems before becoming infected that may have been his actual cause of death.


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