Democrat Socialists: “We Are Not Endorsing Joe Biden” – IOTW Report

Democrat Socialists: “We Are Not Endorsing Joe Biden”

GatewayPundit: The Democrat Socialists of America announced on Sunday they will not be endorsing Joe Biden for president.

12 Comments on Democrat Socialists: “We Are Not Endorsing Joe Biden”

  1. Whomever gets elected as President next time, Congress as well for the majority, will be the one that the Senior Partners determine will be instituting their directive and plans most effectively.

  2. That’s ok, when the weak kneed RINOs let the commiecrats get their fraud filled mail in voting, the extra ballots will more then make up for the loss of the Bernie Bros.

  3. This isn’t the same thing as not being endorsed by Bolshevik Bernie, is it? I mean he’s run for President twice as a member of the Democrat Party, right? The Democrat-Socialist Party isn’t the same political party that Senator Sanders rejoined after the last Presidential Election, correct? Why wouldn’t they endorse Joe Obiden Bama? Don’t they want to defeat the greatest existential threat to democracy in the history of this country, Donald J. Trump? Why wouldn’t they just want to get along with the man who beat their candidate in a fair process? Do they really want President Trump to get re-elected? I’m just asking so I can figure out this unfortunate situation this morning, so I can celebrate this development early this afternoon. Around five o’clock. Maybe earlier.

  4. They will try to push Cuomo as the Pres candidate with a random colored person and/or woman as VP. Who knows if they will be successful in doing this, but watch how the MSM treats Creepy Joe in the upcoming weeks. If they shit-pile on him the fix is in.

  5. The Democrat coalition (it’s not a Party) of misfits, malcontents and weirdos is suffering internecine struggles right now. Each is trying to maintain their position and some are making a power move to take over control from the old guard. The old guard is increasingly in a state of declining mental health and are mostly just figureheads at this point.

    It is going to get real interesting. The civil war that we may see just might be among the left.


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