Petition calling for WHO boss Tedros to resign nears 1M signatures – IOTW Report

Petition calling for WHO boss Tedros to resign nears 1M signatures

“We strongly think Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is not fit for his role as WHO Director General,” the petition with 853,000 signatures, posted on the website, states, calling for the official’s immediate resignation.

FOX: An online petition calling for the resignation of the embattled leader of the World Health Organization neared 1 million signatures early Sunday.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Ethiopian politician who has led the United Nations-backed health body as director-general since July 2017, has been under fire over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed more than 100,000 people worldwide and sickened more than 1.7 million.

Specifically, Tedros has been accused of allowing China to underreport the impact of the virus in Wuhan, the city believed to have been the point of origin for the deadly outbreak. The allegedly lowballed numbers from China have affected other nations’ ability to adequately respond to the outbreak, critics have asserted. read more

14 Comments on Petition calling for WHO boss Tedros to resign nears 1M signatures

  1. Who cares. The UN is a playpen for dictators & third-world trash and always will be. We need to bail and let the rest of the world baby sit them.

  2. Anyone who believes that counting the snotty noses of the proletariat should determine who will hold positions of import is sneered at and laughed off the world stage.
    The UN is a scam and a “failure” (in the sense of its stated purpose) but is quite successful as a scheme of extortion and globaloney-ism. Dictators and socialist Satraps have used it as a source of oppression since its inception and its internal contradictions have allowed the (shall we say) crappier elements of Earth to rise to the top of the UN cesspool.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The UN, home base for enabling third world scumbags to fleece the western governments and attack and smear the civilized world.
    Filthy backwater pukes who’s only exist to seed hatred for those that have a better life.

  4. Their answer to the desperate poverty and disease in the world is not to improve the conditions of the poor but to lower the standards of those that provide the means to lift them up.

  5. He is practicing malpractice. Egregiously.
    and the who has no comment on the open falsification of medical records, concerning cause of death, as is being _instructed_ in the US. Any association with the wuhan flu is to have that be listed as the cause of death, regardless of any comorbidity. This establishes corruption of the epidemiology and demographics, which would be of great value in the future, were it accurate, With such manipulation, and in the present open manner, I see no reason to fund them. To continue to do so is to fund fiction.

  6. He should not be allowed to resign. Trump has already said that he will stop WHO payments if he isn’t removed but simple removal is not enough. The UN needs to suspend, review his actions and background then fire his ass publically at the same time releasing the review that would show his incompetence and attachment to China that cost the world thousands of lives. Do this and cleanup WHO (which, if run correctly by professionals with no political leanings and a clear and limited mandate, could be of great value) or no dough.

  7. “He is practicing malpractice.”
    Can’t do that if he isn’t an MD.
    He’s a hack. A leftover from Mengistu Haile Mariam’s misrule of Ethiopia three decades ago. Murdered millions. Starved em to death. World “Health,” indeed.

    The communists, socialists, demonrat socialists, national socialists, social demonrats, and the rest of their fellow travelers should have been rounded up, put into dumpsters, and set afire decades ago. We’d have a lot less suffering on this planet.

    izlamo delenda est …


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