Lockdown is Working: Sea Ice Highest Since 1988 – IOTW Report

Lockdown is Working: Sea Ice Highest Since 1988

The BFD: I guess it is only a matter of time before the Climate Alarmists claim the victory in the climate crisis being averted due to everyone staying at home. The fact that many rational people believe that the sun, not CO2, has a major effect on our climate and that the cooling, or ‘quiet’, sun could be the reason for the temperature not following the models, will be brushed aside. more

14 Comments on Lockdown is Working: Sea Ice Highest Since 1988

  1. Just saw and for the International Wildlife Fund crying about the polar bears dealing with the affects of Global warming. What a fresh load of horse manure that was,

  2. Since the climate isn’t cooperating with all your computer models, I suggest you Globull Warming alarmists head up to the Arctic and find a nice Polar Bear to hug.

  3. @Cmn¢¢guy April 13, 2020 at 11:29 pm

    > The Polar Bears haven’t been in danger for quite awhile.

    Those aren’t the Polar Bears of Color. Who are just as… No! More!… Polar… than the racist Polar Bears!

  4. Even polar bears don’t eat shiite, but sharks do, dump them in the Pacific off Japan, those that survive will glow for the next 80 years. Make them easier to round up for the Chinese to re-educate.

  5. You should see the stoooopid posts about this type of thing on fb.
    Talking about how clean the water in Venice is, how clean and clear the air around the mountains in Asia are, the lack of smog, and a plethora of other stoopid things.
    This is a leftist’s dream. No one working. The govt printing and giving out money.
    It’s all bulloney too.
    They live in a fantasy land.

  6. @beachmom April 14, 2020 at 9:26 am

    > You should see the stoooopid posts about this type of thing on fb.

    Stupidity on Facebook? On actual display? On Facebook?

    Oh. That can’t be right.


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