Bernie’s Base Cries ‘Betrayal’ After Sanders Issues Endorsement of Biden – IOTW Report

Bernie’s Base Cries ‘Betrayal’ After Sanders Issues Endorsement of Biden

WS: The Democratic Party has been locked in a fairly heated civil war for some time now, as the youthful, radical left attempts to pry power from the cold, bony grasp of the party’s establishment.

These youngsters have been trying to pull the party to the left for years now, thanks in no small part to the rabid fandom they’ve created around Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.  In 2016, Sanders was stymied by the establishment, (and some Hillary-DNC collusion that was later revealed by Wikileaks), forcing the far left to abandon the party during the general election.

Now, as the left tries to take the White House again in 2020, from the man they lost to in 2016, they’ve again pushed Sanders aside, this time in favor of former Vice President Joe Biden.

Now that Sanders has kissed the proverbial ring by endorsing Biden, the Vermont Senator’s followers are furious. read more

14 Comments on Bernie’s Base Cries ‘Betrayal’ After Sanders Issues Endorsement of Biden

  1. if you Bernie Ho’s had been paying any attention you’d look back & see his pattern. you should have known he was only in it for you to pump his ego up one last time …. just long enough for that last big paycheck from the DNC was deposited in his off-shore bank account

    ‘Feel the Bern’ …. Suckers!

  2. Bernie just got dacha #4 and all you lazy, stupid, envious, communist Bernie-bots just got burned…again. I despise you, but I am made happy that you are suffering.

    Roughly 200 million people are dead from communism and socialism and every Bernie-bot shares in the culpability by supporting this evil ideology.

  3. And the commies got played again. So what are these useless freeloaders going to do now that nobody is gonna pay their way through life?
    Better set your minds to working….

  4. Bolshevik Bernie Sanders is not going to close the cash register, or shut down his last chance to move the Dementiacrat Party further to the left by failing to endorse Joe Obiden Bama. He knows that Trump is going to get re-elected, because he has watched Obiden Bama slip deeper into senility for the last year. Between now and November is not too long to pretend to be a serious senior member of a political party Sanders can reject once again after the election is over.

  5. While I don’t give a Rats tail-end about Bernie or Biden.
    * Bernie ain’t quite as dumb as Biden.
    * Biden could be offering Bernie a devils deal, to get the White House.
    * Biden’s and Bernie’s Vote count combined could be a serious challenge to trump.
    * Bernie could be looking at a VP or Socialist Sec. Of State position.
    * Berni, knowing Biden is a few feet short of a Nursing home could then have heavy influence US affairs and appointments.


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