The Bad Seed – IOTW Report

The Bad Seed

Greenie Gretchen’s great war on garden seeds.

American Thinker: Within every liberal, there’s a totalitarian dictator, screaming to get out, to paraphrase the great David Horowitz.  Nowhere is that more evident than in the case of Michigan’s ambitious left-wing Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer.

She’s declared war on garden seeds, forbidding their purchase from big box retailers now that there’s a pandemic on, arbitrarily claiming they’re not “essential.”

This, from a governor who claims, of all things, to be a green, putting “climate change” at the “heart” of her governorship.  That’s some green — a green who advocates for brown, at least among the locals.  Seems that changing the world “one act at a time,” not to mention “growing local” and “going organic,” isn’t as important to her as being a tyrant and winning the approval of the Democratic establishment in D.C.  Oh, and she’s widely touted as vice presidential material for doddering Joe Biden.  Imagine her giving orders at a national level with this record.

The Federalist cites her as one of America’s self-outed “little tyrants.”  The American Spectator cites her as the “worst governor in America.”  We hope she’s proud of herself. more

42 Comments on The Bad Seed

  1. I’m predicting there will be a worldwide food shortage this year from the coronapanic, combined with the locust plagues in Africa and some parts of Asia, that will kill far more people than all viruses combined.

    But it will be mostly darkies that are doing the dying, so who cares?

  2. When patriots accept… no. Embrace? no. Endorse? still… no.

    When patriots line up, in well regulated formation… for the wet, greasy, mulching… of those they now, pay for the honor, of killing their neighbors, for… I’ll give their own children’s starvation, a thought.

    Til then… chew on Muh Constitusion.

  3. Keep the people (should be read as “peasants or subjects”) Drunk, stoned and stupid then they will bow to the will of the State easier. Keep the lottery going to provide “hope”. Good Luck Michigan!!

  4. …she has no empathy, no compassion, no mercy for anyone, only a consuming need to rule.

    …like this…

    ‘“Can one exterminate an entire planet?” Rabban asked.

    “Exterminate?” Surprise showed in the swift turning of the Baron’s head. “Who said anything about exterminating?”

    “Well, I presumed you were going to bring in new stock and—”

    “I said squeeze, Nephew, not exterminate. Don’t waste the population, merely drive them into utter submission. You must be the carnivore, my boy…. A carnivore never stops. Show no mercy. Never stop. Mercy is a chimera. It can be defeated by the stomach rumbling its hunger, by the throat crying its thirst. You must be always hungry and thirsty…. Like me.”’
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

    Democrats be like that…

    …and here’s the Gretch in a couple of years after she’s solidified her rule over us all…

  5. C’mon! Michigan?
    The home of Detroit, Dingell, Michael Moore, and poisoned water?
    Where the entire state sits, rubbing its ass, whining for succor?
    They haven’t got enough sense to buy seeds without their governor’s consent?
    Ever heard of Michigan Bulb Company? Vandenberg? Walter’s? Main Street? Siegers? Debruyn?

    “Help-helpless, helpless, help-helpless …”

    Give it to Canada (of Canacan’t).

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. guess what…you have NO idea what it is to be a Michigander right now. If I need to talk to my neighbors across the street? I have to CALL them on the phone. Or yodel.

  7. @Supernightshade “…and here’s the Gretch in a couple of years after she’s solidified her rule over us all…”

    If push comes to shove I don’t think she would last that long.

  8. …if you study famines, they are typically less because there’s no food, and more because the politically powerful WANT a certain part of their population to starve to death. The Turks in Armenia, the Ukranians in Stalin’s Russia, and the Chinese…well, the Chinese again, they be like…

    …even the English in Ireland, which is one reason I was born HERE and not THERE, a few generations removed, still managed to starve their serfs with a comfortably distant perspective on their suffering and no real reason to alleviate it…

    …so you’ll notice that starvation is a GREAT tool for pacifing or outrigth eliminiating political opponents. It lets the Governmennt pick winners and losers at the most BASIC level, literally deciding who lives and who dies, without the expense even of bullets. People dance to your tune or they die, it’s really just that simple.

    …and then you wonder why Democrats don’t want you to have seeds…

  9. Worst governor in America? Our Ralph “black face mask” Northam made sure abortion remains an essential service in Virginia by removing certain bothersome restrictions like having a doctor perform the procedure. He signed this into law on Good Friday. If Michigan has the worst governor, it’s only because she’s getting some extra affirmative action points for being a female tyrant.

  10. 2 sentences about this from Trump at the next press conference and she she will look like a fool.

    She probably does not realize the little baby seeds will grow up into big cucumbers which go in your mouth not your P—y!

  11. aleon APRIL 14, 2020 AT 9:12 AM
    @Supernightshade “…and here’s the Gretch in a couple of years after she’s solidified her rule over us all…”

    “If push comes to shove I don’t think she would last that long.”

    …under normal circumstances I’d agree with you, but given how quickly, how completely, how spinelessly I saw my fellow countrymen surrender their God-given rights when TOLD of an INVISIBLE enemy at thier door, it has SEVERELY mauled my confidence in this country doing ANYTHING to resist tyranny, as long as that tyranny comes with enough bandwith for free porn…

    …honestly, in some ways, I think Esau in the Bible got a better deal when he laid down his birthright for a bowl of stew.

    At least he got STEW.

    …my fellow citizens have gotten NOTHING for surrendering the rights GOD gave them, other than vauge promeses of more and worse oppression to COME, and they seem OK with that…

    …how this must hearten the Democrats. The 60 years of of the long game on Communism, the Carter takeover of education, all that time spent doling out just enough of other people’s money to make the peasants think THEY are the source of all good, and that THEY will avenge them for the supposed wrongs of 170 years ago have at last come to fruition, and without a shot fired too, outside of some well-timed proxies in schools, military bases, and concerts…They evenn ended the First Amendment just this past Sunday, removing the right to worship as we will and assemble peacably as the laws of God and man allow, all because of a boogeyman THEY created and a boogyman THEY have GROSSLY maginifed…

    …no, I’m not looking for a revolution any time soon. It will have to get MUCH worse…FAR worse…before the lazy and supine modern electorate even NOTICES that their freedoms have been removed, and even LONGER before they stop rejoicing over THEIR ability to have their NEIGHBORS arrested by snitching…

    …We saved Europe from tyranny on this order.

    …Who’s going to save US?

  12. These wannabe Maos, Hitlers and Stalins ARE going to pay one way or another. The breaking point is near. The masks have fallen away and the American people have seen the beasts beneath. All is needed is another straw added to the pile of oppression and “let them eat cake” ain’t gonna cut it anymore. Too many people have died beneath the boot heel of tyrants in the past and I hope Americans have the wherewithal to recognize and put a halt to it soon lest we suffer the same fate as those of the past. Too much more acquiescence and the time will have passed us by. It may have done so already. Take heed true patriots.

  13. ” The masks have fallen away and the American people have seen the beasts beneath. ”

    And it looks like they have gladly accepted them as their leaders.

    For now.

    I suppose time will tell, but as Dylan said “the loser now will be later to win”.

  14. While you can’t grow your own food, read up on food dumping. At a time where Americans are unable to afford groceries (or grow them), if they can even be found, a staggering amount of food is being destroyed because of a shutdown restaurant industry in an attempt to keep prices elevated.

  15. “…Who’s going to save US?”

    “You want a helping hand?
    Look on the end of your arm.”

    If you’re sitting in a puddle of urine and excrement, crying for help, you’re probably gonna be avoided – unless you’re a baby and your mother’s near.

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. Order from catalogs while you can.
    If I owned a store, I would turn off all cameras, ring up seeds as ‘toilet paper’ or something small that you can toss if you are forced into an audit. ” Yes Sir, I sold a lot of nails… and the seeds? Well I tossed those because nobody was allowed to buy them.”

    If shifty liquor stores can buy and sell EBT, a legit business can sell seeds.

  17. Tim
    APRIL 14, 2020 AT 10:20 AM
    ““…Who’s going to save US?”

    “You want a helping hand?
    Look on the end of your arm.””

    Don Quixote can’t take out the windmill on his own, @Tim. If you really think you can do it yourself, have at it, but please tell us your real name so we know the REAL story when they gun you down for “weapons violations”…

    …slave rebellions don’t work very well when the slaves are WILLING is my point, and if you run forwards with your sabre pointed at your foe only to be shot in the back by your “followers” trying to curry fsvor with their overlords, you’re not going to accomplish very much at all…

  18. It’s getting pretty close to the time of reminding some of these politicians that they are not immortal. We should organize a march/parade, day of celebration of the people Romania for their handling of those tyrant Ceausescu’s. Do you think they would get the message?

  19. Great art, MJA! That film started as a stage play and I think the main actors were cast in the film, too.

    I didn’t read anything (not that it hasn’t been mentioned) about stores not able to give the seeds away. Better that than dumping them.

    The courts cannot rule in her favor. Oh, they “can”, I suppose, but they won’t. There’s no basis in law for her arbitrary edicts.

  20. As much as I want to have sympathy for the people of Michigan living under this tyrant’s edicts, I just can’t do it. They elected this hag…. voluntarily voted her in office…. no one held a gun to their their heads at the ballot box. It’s up to them to do something about it…. or not.

  21. @Supernightshade April 14, 2020 at 10:55 am

    > slave rebellions don’t work very well

    Slave “rebellions” work very well. Every time. Every. Damn. Time. That is why they are so feared. Even by the people who have been told, by their Gods, that it is not theirs to pick their own cotton. Because the cotton is theirs. God says so.

    What is often not worth the return on investment, is people who will not pick their own damn cotton, hiring people, to rustle the neighbors’ slaves. And that is the point, the business proposition, of every “rebellion”. “You were their slaves; now you are mine.” Damn (actually actual, damn damned — by the Gods that deign you not pick your own cotton) slaves! Just won’t get with the program! Won’t help out! To earn, their shiny New Slave title. To cast off their drab old slave title. And get back to work.

    Freeing the slaves? Cheap. Easy. Always. But where’s the profit? In that?

  22. SNS,
    The initial rebel is ALWAYS killed.
    Ignominiously and anonymously.

    That’s just the way it works.
    The political “rebel” or dandy of opportunist, or whatever you want to call him, then takes the field and (sometimes) wins.
    (“The Rebel,” Camus)

    But a single pebble starts the avalanche.

    Think of it as a sociologicalization of catastrophe theory.
    (It may be bullshit, but it’s MY bullshit!)

    And my name is Tim.

    izlamo delenda est …

  23. For years my wife and I have owned a bug out cabin near Kalakaska Michigan off HWY 72 NEAR Bear Lake and we CAN NOT GO TO VACATION ON MY PROPERTY OVER Easter

  24. Yesterday, during the White House press briefing, President Trump was asked about rogue leftist governors possibly not complying to his presidential order to get back to work. He didn’t seem concerned and was confident all governors will obey the order, because as President he has total authority to compel them.
    He was also asked about the restrictions made by Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer that some “non essential foods” (by her definition) are not allowed to be purchased in Michigan. Strategically President Trump answer the restriction by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, was “tough”, but he was sure things would work out and Michigan was doing well.
    I think he was being magnanimous just to throw the leftist media off.
    Truth be told, Nazi Nannies like the Michigan Gov. will still find a way to oppress their residents.
    It may take President Trump using some economic pressure to get the leftist leadership in these blue states to understand he’s serious. They will not give up power easily, if at all.

  25. “Bad Seed” is a great movie. Watched it when I was a kid and as a teen. For some reason it was aired often.
    The acting is great. Even as a kid I wanted to eliminate that murderous little monster myself. Good thing the character gets her comeuppance.

  26. bill gates: “governor halfwhitmer, you think they are crying foul now about not being able to buy seeds, here hold my beer, watch them cry when they have to be chipped to buy bread”!


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